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把谷歌都能逼走不能把一个皮革厂治好?How you cannot operate a tannery since you can even drive Google away?

介绍了用制革的含铬废鞣液和废灰水生产氧化铬绿的方法。Chrome oxide green has been produced from the liquid waste of tannery industry.

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耐克公司表示,它正与制革供应商接触,并调查其供应链。Nike said it was meeting its tannery suppliers and investigating the supply chain.

几个男孩正设法在贫民窟制革作坊里看斗鸡。Several boys try to catch a glimpse of a cockfight in the tannery section of the slums.

祖父是个没有受过教育的人,他拥有一个制革厂,后来又改经营手套加工厂。My father was the son of an uneducated man who owned a tannery and then a glove factory.

安全性研究是含铬污泥用于农业施肥应用研究的重要课题。Study on safety is an important discussion among studies on applying fertilizer of tannery chromium sludge.

介绍了将DMF废水分流收集后的处理方法,可在制革废水处理实践中应用。The treatment of tannery wastewater contained DMF is discussed and might be helpful in practical applications.

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本文指出制革厂是皮革加工厂,也是动物蛋白的生产厂。This paper points out that a tannery is also a factory for producing animal protein in the leather processing.

探讨了制革废水的生物接触法处理工艺。Techniques for treating ammonia nitrogen in tannery wastewater by biological contact process have been studied.

不然,到摩洛哥费兹的皮革工厂踩著兽尸的毛皮,顺便站在深度及腰的鸽粪堆里试试。Try stepping on dead animal hides in a tannery in Fez, Morocco, while standing waist -high in pigeon droppings.

制革是明天的工业,但今天的制革废水污染正在阻碍着我国制革工业的发展。Leather industry is tomorrow industry however waste water from tannery is retarding its progress in china today.

介绍了物化水解酸化CAST工艺在处理制革废水中的应用。The application of physicochemical hydrolytic acidification CAST process treating tannery wastewater is presented.

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顶层材料很软,可以在制革厂或制鞋厂磨掉,从而形成双色效果。The top coat is soft and can be rubbed off either in the tannery or in the shoe factory to give a two tone appearance.

超滤独特的处理过程使制革废水中绝大部分物质可被回收和再利用。Special disposal process of ultrafiltration makes most of pollutants in the tannery wastewater be recovered and reused.

奥德桑皮革机械公司位于土耳其伊斯米尔,是土耳其一家专业从事皮革机械生产的企业。OZDERSAN leather machine company, located in Izmir, Turkey, manufacture tannery machines for leather industry in Turkey.

研究了在铬鞣过程中,应用多元醛酸帮助减少铬鞣废液中的残留铬含量。The multiple aldehyde acids were used to decrease the chrome content of the tannery wastewater in chrome tanning process.

我把制革厂从名单中勾掉,因为它对基地组织没有任何军事价值,而且我想最大限度地减少平民伤亡。I took the tannery off the list because it had no military value to al Qaeda and I wanted to minimize civilian casualties.

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实施制革生产的清洁化工艺,不仅仅是一种投入,也是促进企业提高效益的有效途径。The implementation of clean technique in tannery is not only an investment but also an effective way to improve the profit.

制革废水预处理工艺采用串联式气浮操作单元将有效地提高制革废水预处理效果。As pre-treatment unit, series connection DAF system was implemented to improve the effect of pre-treatment of effluent from tannery.

介绍了青岛大明皮革有限公司应用物化—生化法处理皮革废水的工程实例。An engineering example was introduced that Qingdao Daemyung leather Co. Ltd. treated the tannery wastewater by physical-biochemical method.