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自我检讨和相互指责是以后的事。Review and recrimination will come later.

痛苦来临后,我立即开始辩护与反责。Immediately following the pain is the justification and recrimination.

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他放跑了儿子,使其免受涉嫌暗杀的反控。He allowed his son to escape recrimination for his involvement in the assassination attempt.

设定超出你能力范围的目标只会令你失望、自责。Setting goals beyond your capabilities will only lead to disappointment and self recrimination.

所以,当你在对话中发现问题,不要忙于指责,而要挖掘细节。So when information surfaces in your dialogue, dig for details without straying into recrimination.

讥讽的氛围和遍布国会的互相指责是于是无补的。What is unlikely to help is the atmosphere of bitterness and recrimination that is pervading Capitol Hill.

在两党领袖决定提出各自方案之前的几周里,民主共和两党忙于相互攻击指责,有关债务问题的谈判也是时断时续。Party leaders' decision to pursue separate paths follows weeks of recrimination and on-again, off-again talks.

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印度河流域维持了五十年的水源分享条约,终于没能敌过相互指责的文化。The 50-year-old treaty governing water-sharing in the Indus basin has failed to fix the culture of recrimination.

哈姆丹的律师反控美国军方不经过法律程序就剥夺他的人身自由。Attorney Ahmad's the recrimination US Military does not eliminate his personal freedom after the legal proceeding.

五月份的时候,我不情愿地撤下了本来要买迷你腊肠犬的定金,我被内心的控告不断地折磨。The day in May after I reluctantly put down the deposit for the mini-dachshund, I was tortured with recrimination.

你得对阿根廷队感到一丝遗憾,又陷于到新的自我怀疑之中---对马拉多纳的指责。You had to feel a little sorry for Argentina, plunged into new depths of self-doubt though not — yet — recrimination against Maradona.

为了在晦运时,不至于因虚度时光而后悔或自责,我努力让自己充实地生活。I try to live fully so that when and if my luck changes there will be little room for regret or recrimination over time lost or misspent.

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不过这样的梦想不一定能成真,即使以最乐观的心态估计,奥运会为主办方带来的经济利益也是有待争议的,例如盛大的开幕式就往往会受人指摘,成为一件大憾事。But that hasn't always been true. The economic benefits of the Olympics for host cities are at best mixed, and the opening bravado often descends into recrimination and regret.

在多元民族的国家,宗教少数派和少数族裔应能自由使用自己的语言和维护自己的传统,不必担心受到多数派的责难。In ethnically diverse nations, religious and ethnic minorities should be free to use their language and maintain their traditions without fear of recrimination from the majority population.