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艾氏接受联想主义,而巴氏反对之。Ebbinghaus accepts associationism but Bartlett is against it.

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艾尔索普和巴特利特都是明智的、负责任的记者。Alsop and Bartlett were intelligent and responsible reporters.

在1962年,巴特利特成功制造了第一个稀有气体化合物。Bartlett succeeded in preparing the first noble-gas compound in 1962.

说从某种意义上讲,D只是用目前全国都在争论的伊拉克问题来发泄自己的情绪。Bartlett said in a way, Dowd is personifying the national debate about Iraq.

这房子是建于1920年由弗雷德里克粘土巴特利特和他的第一个妻子,海伦。The house is built in 1920 by Frederic Clay Bartlett and his first wife, Helen.

奥内米·巴特利特几乎从未提出过这个问题,要说的话,也是光说不做。Naomi Bartlett rarely ever addresses this issue, and when she does, it's all talk.

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来自伦敦大学学院的巴特利特建筑学院的瑞秋·阿姆斯特朗想我们解释了这种“原始细胞”科技。Rachel Armstrong, from UCL's Bartlett School of Architecture, explained the "protocell" technology.

“这种想法是想尝试去理解学习过程背后的计算原理,”Bartlett说道。“The idea is to try to understand some of the computational principles behind learning, ” Bartlett said.

每次听到又一个亿万富翁声称自己赞同付更多税的时候,经济学家布鲁斯·巴里特就会感到抓狂。It drives economist Bruce Bartlett crazy every time he hears another bazillionaire announce he’s in favor of paying higher taxes.

杨纲凯教授巴特利特为您提供了机会欣赏意大利文艺复兴时期的成果,并探讨其起源。Professor Kenneth Bartlett offers you the opportunity to appreciate the results of the Italian Renaissance and to probe its origins.

詹姆斯巴特利特说,博物馆有权作出关于展品的决定,即使一些被认为是由艺术批评家反感。James Bartlett said that museums have the right to make decisions about exhibits, even if some art is considered objectionable by critics.

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斯贝勒是伦敦大学学院巴特利特建筑学院的副院长兼建筑和数字理论的教授。Neil Spiller is Professor of Architecture and Digital Theory and Vice Dean of the Bartlett School of Architecture at University College London.

布什竞选班子的对外联络部主任达恩。巴列特说克里参议员继续不断地发动攻击,试图从这卷录像带中获得政治优势。Bush campaign Communications Director Dan Bartlett says Senator Kerry is trying to score some political advantage from the tape by continuing a line of attack that Mr.

该系列中,罗伯特·巴特利特教授带你领略诺曼人大规模扩张活动和无可限量的雄心壮志,展现他们是如何改写欧洲历史的。In this major series, Professor Robert Bartlett examines the extraordinary expansion and unchecked ambition of the Normans, and shows how they transformed the history of Europe.

鸭梨游离氨基酸的平均含量显著高于巴梨和长十郎梨,低于新世纪梨。It showed that the average content of dissociated amino acid in Ya pear was much higher than that of Bartlett pear and Changshilang pear, but lower than that of New Century pear.

“我们使机器人具有面部表情,所以他可以与孩子进行非语言的交流并尽可能多地接近于一对一的人类家教,”Bartlett说道。“We’re putting facial expressions onto the robot so that he can engage with a pupil in a non-verbal manner and approximate one-on-one human tutoring as much as possible,” Bartlett said.

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“巴特雷特”树木专家公司的副总裁大卫•麦克马斯特说,将被克隆的古树中还包括几棵“奥姆斯特德树”,这几棵古树种植于中央公园创建时期,中央公园于19世纪50年代末由著名建筑大师弗莱德里克•劳•奥姆斯特德树创建。David McMaster, a Bartlett vice president, said the cloning would target several "Olmsted trees, " dating from the creation of Central Park by famed architect Frederick Law Olmsted in the late 1850s.