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他们决不会向一只小艇投降。They will not surrender to a dinghy.

他用脚踏泵给橡皮救生艇充气。He inflated the rubber dinghy with a foot pump.

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每条船都装备了至少一条救生筏。Every ship is equipped with at least one dinghy.

他们用橡皮艇蓄积雨水。The men collected rain-water in the rubber dinghy.

一点一点地,小船在纸上成形了。Little by little the dinghy took shape on the paper.

船长用小划艇离船靠岸。The captain used the dinghy to go from the ship to the shore.

那时,士兵便割断小艇的缆索,任它沉没。So the soldiers cut the ropes of the dinghy and set it adrift.

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最后,他们解救了他,然后用绞车把受损小艇吊上了甲板。Finally they rescued him, then winched on board his battered dinghy.

历史上有谁曾经把一艘100英尺长的游艇称作小舟呢?When else in history has someone been able to call a 100ft yacht a dinghy?

他们讯速把食物、火柴、罐装啤酒装到一条救生筏上。They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food,matches,and cans of beer.

乡里的木匠在大树下修着翻倒的小艇。The village carpenter is repairing an upturned dinghy under a big aswatha tree.

推测两人在皮划艇翻船之后,都落入了冰冷激流的河水中。Both men were presumed drowned after the dinghy capsized in the cold, fast-moving water.

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我们在筏子和小船之间系了一根绳子,毕竟一旦小船漂离了筏子的话,后果会很严重。There was a cord between raft and dinghy because the thought of separation was horrific.

“闪电”号船型的集结赛,是世界上最大的、单一款式船型的帆船赛。There are over 500 fleets of Lightnings worldwide, many of which participate in dinghy racing.

那些恐怖分子,身着牛仔裤和T恤的年轻人们,坐着小舢板来到这个半岛城市。The terrorists, young men dressed in jeans and T-shirts, arrived in the peninsula city by dinghy.

Google就像是一艘超级航母,而我只是一个试图把它推到正确方向上的小橡皮艇。Google was a massive aircraft carrier, and I was just a small dinghy trying to push it a few degrees North.

当他听说他朋友在橡皮艇上出事的经过时,这位年轻人闪显出好笑的眼神。The young man's eyes glistened with amusement as he heard the story of his friend's accident in the dinghy.

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他在身上系好安全带,然后跳入水中,手一把一把地抓紧通向救生艇的静力绳向前走。He attached a safety line and leaped into the water, moving hand over hand along the static rope toward the dinghy.

作为一个在纽约市郊区成长的青少年,他利用他的业余时间在哈德森河上驾驶小游艇。As a teenager in the suburbs of New York City, he spent his free time piloting a dinghy up and down the Hudson River.

其中印度最著名的被加阿拉伯海环绕的宾馆外的警察说,枪手是乘着充气的舢板冲向这里的。Police outside the Taj Mahal, India's most famous hotel, lapped by the Arabian Sea, said gunmen arrived there by inflatable dinghy.