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缺乏经验与简单性。Inexperience versus simplicity.

指控民主党缺乏经验或许并不足以令人信服。The charge of inexperience may not stick.

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缺乏经验——通常是抚养第一个孩子的时候Inexperience – usually felt with first child

以前的不懂事的我,现在已经不见了。Before the inexperience I have now disappeared.

事故的发生是由于她缺乏经验。The accident happened through her inexperience.

一段时间之后,梅森暴露出年轻、缺乏经验的弱点。For a while, Mason's age and inexperience showed.

他因年幼无知而受到从宽处理。It was his youth and inexperience that got him off.

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你能体谅缺乏经验的年轻人遇事顾虑重重。You will allow for the doubts of youth and inexperience.

一个人不应该借口缺乏经验来为其错误辩解。One should not plead inexperience in excuse of his mistake.

上述种种失态与缺乏经验,让卡钦斯基先生轻易成为讽刺的对象。Such gaffes and inexperience made Mr Kaczynski easy to lampoon.

那个护士不应该借口缺乏经验来为她的错误辩解。That nurse should not plead inexperience in excuse of her mistake.

年轻和缺乏经验正在困扰波特兰开拓者队。Youth and inexperience are catching up with the Portland Trail Blazers.

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奥萨马对像穆罕纳德和他朋友们这样的毫无经验的反叛军很无奈。Osama lamented the inexperience of rebels like Muhannad and his friends.

你在这方面的缺乏经验在90年代也许算不上典型,却也并非不正常。While your inexperience may be atypical in the nineties, it is not abnormal.

介于他还年轻,有没有经验,他在剧种的表演算是很出色了。His action in the play was remarkable, considering his youth and inexperience.

我不会出于政治目的挖苦我对手的年青和缺乏经验。I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience.

这种评论充分说明奥巴马参议员是多么经验不足,判断鲁莽。Such a statement betrays the depth of Senator Obama's inexperience and reckless judgment.

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一开始她对中间派有一些吸引力,但是在她显露出缺乏经验后,这种吸引力开始消失。Initially she had some appeal in the middle, and that dissipated as her inexperience came out.

别认为因为他们是年轻人你便可以瞒天过海,骗骗他们。Don't think just because they are young and inexperience you can pull the wool over their eyes.

尽管周培华在旅行社工作时间还不到两年,但她已为此做好了充分的准备。In spite of her relative inexperience of less than two years, she is well prepared for her job.