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上星期天他猎获了三只松鸡。He hunted three grouse last Sunday.

他们在荒野射猎松鸡。They're shooting grouse up on the moors.

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这群人那天上午去了松鸡猎场。The party had been to the grouse moors that morning.

类似的影响也会发生在青足鹬和红松鸡身上。Greenshank and red grouse may also be affected in the same way.

以常绿植物的嫩芽和针叶为食的北美松鸡。North American grouse that feeds on evergreen buds and needles.

你有10分钟填满它,人们开始发牢骚了。You'll get 10 minutes to fill it in, and people grouse about it.

几乎是同时,有三只贪吃的松鸡,连虫带钩地把食饵吞了下去。Three voracious grouse swallowed at the same moment bait and hook.

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我们去了斯坦利公园,登了格罗斯山,参观了博物馆和美术馆。We went to Stanley Park, Grouse Mountain, and to museums and galleries.

每当我提到的时候,他们总是抱怨,他们全部都能在1分钟内完成。They grouse about it when I assign it, and they all do it within a minute.

家鸡是由野鸡退化的,按么野鸡是由什么进化的呢?。Domestic chicken degrades by grouse , press is grouse by what developmental?

非指导下的用药。病人不经指导服药是最被医生诟病的。Self-medication. the biggest grouse of doctors are patients who practice self-medication.

偶们去了斯坦利公园和水族馆,登了格罗斯山,参观了博物馆和美术馆。We went to Stanley Park and the aquarium, up Grouse Mountain, and to museums and galleries.

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我们往了斯坦利公园和水族馆,登了格罗斯山,不雅观赏了博物馆和美术馆。We went to Stanley Park and the aquarium, up Grouse Mountain, and to museums and galleries.

这种奇怪而响亮的鸣叫是由美国常见的一种带颈羽的松鸡发出来的。This strange and sonorous cry was produced by a game bird called grouse in the United States.

一个“脾气暴躁的老男人俱乐部”的标志挂在三个常客每周坐下发牢骚的地方。A "grumpy old men's club" sign hangs over the spot where three regulars sit weekly and grouse.

凯蒂被抓是因为做了偷盗的事,或者至少是搜寻松鸡的窝。Cathy had been caught in the fact of plundering, or, at least, hunting out the nests of the grouse.

如果你的老板因为资金不足而对你那绝妙的主意说不,不要只是发牢骚。So if you boss is saying NO to your killer idea because there are insufficient funds, don't just grouse.

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业余摄影师马克·莫洛依去苏格兰猎松鸡,然后拍摄到了他朋友的这只维兹拉犬。Amateur photographer Mark Molloy went on a grouse shoot in Scotland and photographed his friend's vizsla.

雄松鸡在求偶的时候总是站在空心的圆木上拍动翅膀,发出击鼓般的声音。To find a mate, the male ruffed grouse stands on a hollow log and beats his wings, making a drumming sound.

他们对暴发户大肆消费抱怨连连,并很想知道这些人的钱到底是哪里来的。They grouse about the conspicuous consumption of the nouveau riche and wonder where all that money is coming from.