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在她身上能看到什么人性原则吗?Hath she any discoverable principle of being?

神话的意义只有在我的科学中才能发现The meaning of the myth is discoverable only in my science.

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神话的意义只有在我的科学中才能发现“The meaning of the myth is discoverable only in my science."

web可以说是有史以来最具可发现性的媒介。The web is arguably the most discoverable medium ever created.

我很清楚,我的特点因为太突出,人们一眼就能看出来。I am aware that my point is so prominent as to be discoverable immdiately.

整个组织中的潜在消费者可以轻松地发现信息服务。The information service is easily discoverable by potential consumers across the organization.

这样的网关的服务——或者更具体地说,其服务代理——也是可发现的。Such a gateway's Web services -- or more specifically, its proxies for the services -- are also discoverable.

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这些自描述和自发现功能完全不同于以前的集成方法。These self-describing and discoverable capabilities of Web services are very different from previous integration approaches.

标志本身不作为对象公开,但其类型和属性可以通过游标方法来访问。The tokens themselves are not exposed as objects, but their type and properties are discoverable through methods on the cursor.

服务是执行可重复任务的可发现资源,由外部化的服务规范进行描述。A service is a discoverable resource that executes a repeatable task, and is described by an externalized service specification.

此处的高高低低的树丛中,如果拨开常年覆盖在此的落叶,就可以发现许多浅洼地。Here, among the trees and in the undergrowth, are rows of shallow depressions, discoverable by removing the accumulated forest leaves.

换句话说,与具体特性有关的工作和对该特性的实际需求之间不存在明显的联系。That is, there is no discoverable connection between the work pertaining to a specific feature and an actual requirement for that feature.

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越多的网页被标注,就会有越多的标准会被实现,同时信息也会变得更为强大与更易于得到。The more annotations there are in web pages, the more standards are implemented, and the more discoverable and powerful the information becomes.

当黑莓过去易用而高效的菜单界面遇到了全新的充满探索意味触摸屏时会发生什么样的化学反应呢?What happens when the efficient menu-driven user experience of the BlackBerry meets the discoverable new user experience of finger-driven touch?

对这些产品,眼球追踪法解答了很多问题,例如“谷歌新闻页左侧的最热新闻是否会被注意?”For these products, eye-tracking helps us answer questions, such as "Is the 'Top Stories' link discoverable on the left of the Google News page?"

如果我们找到了长期储存数字化信息的方法,那么接下来要解决的问题便是我们应该保存哪些重要的数据,以及如何保证信息的安全,并且使人类方便地辨认出这些信息。If we did have a way to store digital data long-term, the next question would be what to preserve, and how to keep it safe but easily discoverable.

西蒙&舒斯特的书刊内容可以在Scribd商店获得,也能通过浏览Scribd的“书籍”或“商业”等分类中查找。The Simon & Schuster content also will be available through the storefront and will be discoverable by browsing Scribd's categories such as "books" and "business."

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如果相关主互操作程序集的版本号与原类型库的版本号不同,即使安装在当前目录中也无法发现该程序集。A dependent primary interop assembly with a version number that differs from that of the original type library is not discoverable when installed in the current directory.

在这种情况下,您可以在一个可搜索的服务目录内查找团队成员正在从事或已经从事的项目,以及每个项目的目的和目标。In either case, you can look up in a discoverable service directory which project a team member is working on or has worked on, and the objectives and goals of each project.

开发完成之后,项目就进入部署阶段,在此期间会将已开发的组件作为可发布的、位置透明且可发现的服务进行公开。After development, the project moves to the deployment stage during which the developed components are exposed as publishable, location-transparent, and discoverable services.