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我不要你留下的东西。I want none of your leavings.

是他们在讽刺正直的人们吗?。Are their leavings a satire upon the self-righteous people here?

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更让你们走的无怨无悔,心甘情愿。That gonna make your leavings without regret and willing to do so.

她娘家有这么好的食物,可能会觉得我们吃剩的东西没用。She has had such good fare in her father's house that she thinks our leavings are of no value.

那些在古时成为有道德的人,只不过是将魔鬼留下来的做牺牲给上帝。Those who become virtuous in their old age merely make a sacrifice to God of the devil's leavings.

当人们上了年纪而变得善良之时,他们只是把恶魔留下的东西来给上帝献祭而已。When men grow virtuous in their old age, they only make a sacrifice to god of the devil's leavings.

而后半部分的slip确实就是指那些又黏又稀的来自牛的肥料了。That slip part of cowslip really does refer to the sloppy gloppy leavings of those bovine fertilizers.

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农民让他们分享自己的水井,牧民用收割后剩余的草料喂养自己的牲畜。The farmers would share their wells, and the herders would feed their stock on the leavings from the harvest.

该法既能充分利用资源,又能解决环境污染,符合循环经济发展的理念。This way both can use leavings fully and solve the environment problem for corresponding to the idea of circulation economic.

蟑螂确实从一个地方携带疾病生物体和污物到另一个地方,它们的身体残渣能导致哮喘发作。A. Cockroaches certainly carry disease organisms and filth from place to place, and their leavings can trigger asthma attacks.

比勒尔夫人打了萨拉的脸,说她没有往外拿任何东西,而且也“从没有剩饭菜可拿。”Mrs. Birrell had slapped Sarah's face, and said she had taken nothing out of the place, as there was "never no leavings to take."