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我的梦想就是作个心愿大使,帮人们实现所有这些愿望。Living vicariously through all those wishes was my dream.

这样,女性只有依附男性生活才能成为人。In this way, females could be human only by living vicariously thru a male.

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换言之,通过养育自己的孩子达到补偿自己的目的。In other words, parent yourself vicariously through parenting your own children.

我们可以透过作者的描述好像亲身体验这个旅途。Through the author's description we can vicariously experience his exotic journey.

对参赛者的经历感同生受,获得一种成就感。feel some sense of fulfillment, of achievement vicariously through the participants.

那些与话题无关而只是代替别人听听的女士们,几乎都在肃立恭听。The ladies only vicariously involved were standing almost at attention as they waited.

与此同时,你也能通过现在浏览器视频的特点在线代理。In the meantime, live vicariously through this video of the browser's current features.

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随着你们分离的信息聚合起来,他得以通过你们而间接地感受与学习。He would be living vicariously through you and learning all as your separate inputs came together.

尽管如此,这意味着我们几代后的子孙将能亲身感受星际“大航海”时代的荣光。Still, it means we all have to live vicariously through Voyager for at least the next few generations.

拉阿巴斯先生说他在那段时间以儿子代理人的身份出现,自己并未取得任何成绩。Mr. Abas said he was living vicariously through his son at a time when he himself had yet to make his mark.

一个卑贱的,但经验丰富的杂耍演员,在命运的变迁下代理着恶棍和受害者的双重角色。In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.

一位谦虚的杂耍老手,代苦难命运的受害者和加害者演出。In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate.

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外表看来,我是个粗陋的玩杂耍老手,其实我既是变化无常的命运的一个牺牲者,也在不知不觉中成为了一个反派角色。In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.

天使投资还喜欢和创业者并肩作战,他们很多人都曾经亲自创业。Angel investors also like to live vicariously through entrepreneurs, many being former business owners themselves.

瞧!站在你面前的是一个卑微的杂耍老手,被无常的命运派来同时扮演受难者与施难者。Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate.

有时候这样的体验可能包括与自然界的交融,期间我们会共鸣地体验你的满足。Sometimes such experiences may include communion with nature, during which we may experience your pleasure vicariously.

有时候,这类体验可能包括和大自然交融,在共鸣中体验你的快乐。Sometimes such experiences may include communion with nature, during which we may experience your pleasure vicariously.

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在你的面前,一个卑微的杂耍老手,用无常的命运演绎着受害人与恶人之间的故事。Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate.

瞧啊!看起来是一个轻贱的-但履历富厚的杂耍演员-在命运的变化下代理着恶棍和受益者的双重角色。Voilà! In view- a humble vaudevillian veteran- cast vicariously as roboth victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fgot.

自从其被逮捕后,很多哈里斯的粉丝伤心地表示,再也不能通过他不断更新的行动日记来间接体验狂野的生活。Since his capture, a number of people have written sadly about not being able to live vicariously through Harris-Moore anymore.