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似乎和这方面有关的情况已经全部消失了。Obliteration appeared to be complete in that quarter.

贫困的消灭将由水平的一次简单提高而得以完成。The obliteration of misery will be accomplished by a simple elevation of level.

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导管系统上皮脱落,形成栓子阻塞导管。The ductal system underwent atrophic changes, and thrombotic obliteration of main duct.

耳甲腔成形和乳突腔骨膜瓣填充可增加干耳率。The plasty of cavity of auricular concha and mastoid obliteration can raise drying ear rate.

背书记载事项中不得记载的事项会对背书连续性产生影响。Thirdly, the obliteration made by holder has no influence on the successive indorsement of bill.

曼尼的对手在遭受失败之后,你们为什么给他们找了那么多的借口?Why are you making more excuses about Manny's opponents because of the obliteration they received?

目的研究下肢动脉硬化性闭塞症介入治疗的护理方法。Objective To study the nursing measures for the interventional therapy of arteriosclerotic obliteration.

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看见它的姐妹舰的命运,黎明的谴责再没有欲望独自面对他们。After seeing the obliteration of its sister ship, the Twilight Compunction had no desire to face them alone.

那个纲领不仅号称要抹掉以色列,而且说“杀死你找到的任何地方的犹太人”。That charter not only calls for the obliteration of Israel, but says 'kill the Jews wherever you find them'.

右室尖呈纤维化闭塞和右室心内膜反射回声增强。Obliteration of the right ventricularapex and increased echo reflectance at the right ventricular endocardium.

由于海马区的肿胀,可以看到侧脑室的下角消失。You can see obliteration of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle because of swelling of the hippocampus.

如果添加了某种类型的彻底消除功能,它也应同样适于外部存储库。Once some kind of obliteration functionality is added, it should be suitable for external repositories as well.

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康脉注射液是经过多年临床观察总结用于治疗动脉硬化闭塞症等疾病的有效方药。Kangmai injection is a effective formula treating Arteriosclerotic obliteration by many years clinical observation.

目的介绍和评价尿道套入法治疗男童外伤性后尿道闭锁。Objective To evaluate the treatment of traumatic posterior urethral obliteration in boys with urethral invagination.

作者报告了对症状性颈椎血管瘤应用气球囊椎体后凸成形术进行闭塞的疗效。The authors report on the efficacy of balloon kyphoplasty applied to obliteration of symptomatic cervical hemangioma.

我们现在一旦找到了生物学根源,就立刻条件反射的想到“病变”,倒像是我们自己被剥夺了选择的能力。If biological roots can be found, then we reflexively think “disease”—as in the obliteration of choice-making ability.

临床用于治疗脑梗死、血栓性脉管炎,股动脉栓塞、肺栓塞等。Clinically, it is used to treat cerebral infarction, thrombus vasculitis, femoral artery obliteration, lung obliteration ets.

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如果这一包卷过程发生异常,就会阻碍绒膜腔封闭及脐带形成。The abnormality in the folding process prevents this obliteration of the chorionic cavity and formation of the umbilical cord.

我们以骨粘膜瓣重建法打开额窦将肿瘤完整摘除,并填以腹部脂肪,结果良好。The patient was treated by tumor extirpation through osteoplastic approach to the frontal sinus and fat obliteration with a good result.

附有合成纤维的线圈可能减少或消除这种风险,而且还可能会降低达到闭塞所需的氰基丙烯酸酯量。Coils with attached synthetic fibers may decrease or eliminate this risk and may decrease the amount of CYA needed to achieve obliteration.