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他阅卷评分很宽。He marked the paper leniently.

他们把他从轻发落。They dealt with him leniently.

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现在的父母都太宠小孩了。Nowaddays parents bring up their children too leniently.

对企业兼并和垄断问题的态度和政策也较以前宽容许多。The merger of firms and monopoly are treated more leniently.

由于他坦白了自己的罪行,他获得了从轻处理。The offender was dealt with leniently as he had confessed his crime.

在过去,精神有障碍的外籍人士在中国的法院有被从轻处罚的案例。Mentally-ill foreigners have been treated more leniently by courts in the past.

被告人刘某认罪态度较好,酌情予以从轻处罚。Liu accused pleaded guilty to a better attitude, as appropriate leniently punished.

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弗兰克在萨里新认识的人当中,有一个人对他不那么宽怀大度。There was one person among his new acquaintance in Surry, not so leniently disposed.

好的,警官,我是个农民,不懂法律,我请求宽大处理。Yes, officer. I am a peasant and ignorant of the law. I ask to be dealt with leniently.

考虑到他真诚悔过的表现,我们将给予他宽大的处理。Considering the signs he showed of genuine repentance, we shall deal leniently with him.

法官发表意见说,那个年轻人受到的处理过于宽大。The judge deliveres himself of the view that young people were treated far too leniently.

他们说,政府对违法犯罪的维吾尔族人进行宽大处理。Uighurs with disciplinary problems or criminal offenses are treated leniently , they say.

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但若符合从轻处罚的条件,罚款的最底线可降为2000元。But if meets the condition which punishes leniently , the fine most agent may reduce to 2000 Yuan.

在开始的时候我们的评分会很宽松,每个人会得到一些他们观点报告,做的如何的反馈We'll grade them leniently in the beginning and so everybody will get some feedback about how they're doing on those.

作者对自己青年求学、实习时期深受刘致平学术思想的影响作了深情的回顾。The author reviews leniently the effect of Liu Zhiping's science thought in the period of study and practice in his youth.

英王的反应也许过于激烈,但是统治者通常并不会宽大地处理用暴力反抗的人。The response of the King may have been excessive, but rulers do not ordinarily deal leniently with those who violently rebel.

对待犯罪的宽严问题始终是我国传统法律思想文化的一个重要话题。It has always being an important topic in our traditional legal culture that whether crimes should be punished leniently or severely.

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为被告人做有罪辩护,应着重从案件定性和对被告人从轻、减轻或者免除处罚等方面进行。For the accused to defend guilty, should focus on qualitative and from the case of the accused, leniently , waive or reduce the punishment aspects.

他们总是突然出现在你面前,并做出各种讨厌的令人反感的动作,你不要手下留情,用枪狠狠的教训他们吧!They are suddenly appeared in front of you and make all kinds of obnoxious offensive moves, you will not be treated leniently. They gun bitter lesson!

那么孙继海为何能使英足总从轻发落呢?英国当地媒体对此进行了分析。Why then Sun Jihai can cause the British Football Association to deal with leniently The British local media has carried on the analysis regarding this.