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同性爱被看作是一种违反自然的罪过。Lesbianism was considered a crime against nature.

女同性恋者的名称出自希腊的莱斯博斯岛。Lesbianism gained its name from the Greek island of Lesbos.

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这几年,女同变成一种潮流。Over the last few years, lesbianism has become fashionable.

某种意义上讲,那个时代,人们是看不到女同性恋的。There was something kind of invisible about lesbianism in the period.

目睹女同性恋行为的未成年人让我想跳下屋顶了。Witnessing underage acts of lesbianism make me want to jump off a roof too.

许多在七八十年代参与了政治女同性恋运动的人直到今天仍然坚守她们的信念。Many of those who embracedpolitical lesbianism in the 70s and 80s still keep the faith today.

文章也讨论了在传统中国的男性间爱情和女同性恋的概念,以及中国传统对这两种现象的态度。It also tries to explain concepts and attitudes to male love and lesbianism in traditional China.

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还可以找一箩筐讨厌希拉里的书来细嚼慢咽,内容从女同性爱一路说到谋杀。You can peruse a library of Clinton-hating books that accuse her of everything from lesbianism to murder.

我认为我们应当重新开始探讨异性关系,并且包容政治女同性恋思想。I think it's timefor feminists to re-open the debate about heterosexuality, and toembrace the idea of political lesbianism.

女同性恋倾向也有可能产生。但由于各方的阻扰,没有太多的数据可查。Lesbianism is another possibility. But with interventions from many social classes , scientists have no more data to check.

例如,在出生前受到较高水平睾丸素刺激的女性胎儿以后成为女同性恋的比率更高。For example, female foetuses exposed to higher levels of testosterone before birth show higher rates of lesbianism later on.

许多人把“女权主义者”一词与仇视男人,搞女子同性恋、讨厌做母亲以及要求人人上班挣钱等联系起来。Many people still associate the word "feminist" with man-hating, lesbianism , contempt for motherhood, and a demand that everyone work for pay.

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就象那个时代的女同性恋,很难把这个叫做同性恋,因为这个术语的现代含义是19世纪80年代后的事情了。Just like lesbianism during this period, it’s hard to talk about homosexuality because the term was not used in its contemporary sense until the 1880s.

很多女性主义者认为性取向只是一个纯粹的私人问题,而将同性恋提高到政治决策的高度是一个非常“残酷”的问题。Many feminists considered sexuality purely a matter ofpersonal desire, and the idea that lesbianism could be a politicaldecision was perceived as "cold-blooded".

先是“新泽西真实主妇”的女主角之一丹尼尔·斯桃波引起并煽动了有关她女同性恋的传闻,她要证明的就是她是同性恋社区的一员。First, Danielle Staub of the New Jersey Real Housewives started and then fanned rumors of her lesbianism. All she will admit is that she's “part of the gay community.

许鞍华从事电影导演职业已经有三十多个年头,其电影主题覆盖了越南船民的苦难生活、老年痴呆症和女同性恋。Ms. Hui's movie-making career has spanned more than three decades, and she has covered topics that include the plight of Vietnamese boat people, Alzheimer's disease and lesbianism.