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马车夫那种流浪生活真妙。Curious the life of drifting cabbies.

他说一打的司机拒绝了他出钱买通他们来自己驾驶的要求。He said a dozen cabbies refused his offer of cash to let him drive.

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空空荡荡。开出租的、酒店门僮、赌场里的人都说生意很不好。And the cabbies , clerks and all the casino people I talk to say it is really slow.

他的声音浓浊,但他还是问了几个马车夫常问的问题。His voice was thick, but he asked the questions that cabbies always ask in the park.

尽管如此,该技术还是能够让那些不断走走停停的司机们受益颇多,比如出租车司机。Still, the technology could benefit drivers who do a lot of stop-and-go driving, like cabbies.

这种被公司的“剥削”是驱使他和其他司机上周继续罢工的原因。This "exploitation" by the company is what drove him and other cabbies to go on strike last week.

根据新华社说,这些出租车司机和区官员对话之后,下午恢复了工作。According to Xinhua, the cabbies returned to work in the afternoon after talks with district officials.

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出租车司机必须掌握伦敦如迷宫般的街道,他们对路线的计算促使大脑发生改变。Cabbies must master London's maze of streets, and their calculation of routes may stimulate brain changes.

不论什么样的天气,也不管什么地点时间或距离,都由不得自己的意愿。Curious the life of drifting cabbies , all weathers , all places , time or setdown , no will of their own.

目前,计程车司机倘若违反服装规定会被罚款。现行服装规定禁穿无肩衫、无袖衫与游泳裤。Currently, cabbies can be fined for violating the dress code. It bans tube shirts, tank tops and bathing trunks.

像你通过做脑筋急转弯和弹钢琴,也能在你大脑中建立不同区域。Just like those head-pumped cabbies and piano jockeys, you can build up various areas of your brain by putting them to work.

即使那些唠叨的司机未必知道自己在说什么,但是他们却知道他们要去哪里。Even though the allegedly garrulous cabbies may not always know what they're talking about, they do know where they're going.

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杰瑞太疲倦了,以致不能做他每晚做的事。他的声音浓浊,但他还是问了几个马车夫常问的问题。Jerry too tried to do as he did every night. His voice was thick, but he asked the questions that cabbies always ask in the park.

出租车司机自己逐渐积累经验,变成了伦敦的活地图,他们对这段岁月感到自豪。Cabbies are proud of the years they've spent coming to places like this to learn the knowledge as it's known they're way around London.

她的项链看上去有点像土耳其“罪恶眼睛”那样的饰品,所有哈克尼的出租车司机都从后视镜里挂上一个。Her necklace looked like one of those Turkish “evil eye” things that all the cabbies in Hackney have hanging from the rear view mirror.

不管如何,出租车司机们还是喜欢向外国游客以及像我这样春节回乡的人吹嘘城市的整齐妆容。Nevertheless, these same cabbies enjoyed bragging about the new uniformity to outside visitors and folks who came home for Spring Festival, like me.

的士看门狗正在调查可能相互勾结,司机和酒店后,发现案件滥在浦东国际机场。THE taxi watchdog is investigating possible collusion between cabbies and hotels after uncovering cases of overcharging at Pudong Internation Airport.

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08年11月,前商务部长薄熙来在重庆与罢工的出租车司机代表进行了3小时的对话,以解决他们所关切的问题。And in Chongqing, former Commerce Minister Bo Xilai met for three hours in November with representatives of the striking cabbies to address their concerns.

下雨天在纽约很难打到车的原因之一就是,下雨的时候,出租车的生意极好,司机很早就能完成今天的份额,之后他们就收车回家了。The reason it's difficult to get a cab on a rainy day in New York is partly because cabbies do such good business that they go home early, having met their daily target.

1964年,莫斯科地铁站外的广场上竖起了征服宇宙纪念碑,明显显露了苏联想要一展雄风的意图,而莫斯科的出租车司机们则戏称它为‘无力的梦想’。Erected in 1964 right next to the VDNKh grounds, the Monument to the Conquerors of Space was so openly phallic that Moscow cabbies took to calling it the 'Impotent's Dream.'