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海岸线向南延伸。The coastline bent south.

420头鲸鲨,惊现墨西哥海岸Whale Sharks Swarm Mexican Coastline.

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国家只拥有23公里的海岸线。The country has only 23 Km of coastline.

过了这些岩石海岸线就折向西边了。Beyond the rocks the coastline bends westward.

加拿大是世界上海岸线最长的国家。Canada owns the longest coastline in the world.

而在图片左上角依稀可见美国的海岸线。The U.S. coastline is visible in the upper left corner.

西界就是大海和靠近大海之地。The western boundary is the coastline of the Great Sea.

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海岸线长472公里,多岬角和港湾。A coastline of 472 kilometers, multi headland and harbor.

三亚有16个港口、10个海岛和180公里的海岸线。Sanya has 16 seaports, 10 islands and 180km of coastline.

海岸南部是一线排开的里亚式海岸,错综复杂。The southern coastline is an irregular saw-toothed coast.

鸟类、海洋生物及沿海生物均受到严重影响。Birds, sea-life and the coastline all suffered grievously.

2010年4月中旬,海冰模仿着勘察加半岛的海岸线聚集着。Sea ice mimicked the Kamchatka coastline in mid-April 2010.

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谁也没发现,蜿蜒的海岸线停留着我的思念。Who has not found, winding coastline stay with my thoughts.

东、南、北三面环海,海岸线长达54公里。East, south, north sea on three sides with a coastline of 54 km.

现在“海岸线”和互动的桌子都有了固定的座位。Now the "coastline" and exchange tables have stationary seat in.

实际上我住在俄罗斯北海岸的科拉半岛。I live, in fact , near North Coastline of Russia, Kola Peninsula.

同时他也抢劫了马拉开波湖附近委内瑞拉的海岸线He also raided the coastline of Venezuela around the Lake Maracaibo.

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两位船客正在登船大厅眺望码头岸线。The two detainees are boarding hall overlooking coastline terminals.

失去海岸线并未使埃塞俄比亚的商船队遭到重创。But losing the coastline has not scuppered Ethiopia's merchant fleet.

由于存在着危险的下层逆流,在大部分海岸线附近游泳都不安全。Dangerous undertows make swimming unsafe along most of the coastline.