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不良反应主要有白细胞下降、脱发、肌痛等。The main adverse effects included leukopenia, alopecia and myalgia.

她出现不适,发热,肌痛,继之全身出现非瘙痒性皮疹。She developed malaise fever and myalgia followed by a diffuse nonpruritic exanthem.

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她出现不适,发热,肌痛,继之全身出现非瘙痒性皮疹。She developed malaise fever and myalgia followed by a diffuse nonpruritic exanthem.

流感主要症状为发热、肌痛、头痛、咽炎、咳嗽及疲劳等。Influenza is characterized by fever myalgia headache pharyngitis cough and prostration.

与剂量相关降低司可林产生肌痛的作用是否是因为干扰作用呢?Is the Dose-related Reduction in Succinylcholine -induced Myalgia due to Cointervention?

主要症状有乏力、咳嗽、少量咳痰、畏寒、头痛、全身酸痛、肌痛。Other common symptoms included fatigue, cough, mild sputum production, chills, headache, general malaise and myalgia.

主要毒副作用为骨髓抑制、胃肠道反应、肌肉及关节疼痛。The main side effects were suppression of myelopoiesis, gastrointestinal disturbance, alopecia, myalgia and arthralgia.

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SARS是一个严重的呼吸系疾病,主要表现为发热、咳嗽、头痛、全身肌肉酸痛。SARS is a serious disease of respiratory system. Its main clinical manifestations are fever, cough, headache, and generalized myalgia.

目的观察卵巢癌患者化疗时口服强的松对紫杉醇引起的关节痛和肌痛的缓解效果。ObjectiveTo observe the effect of oral prednisone to relieve paclitaxel-induced arthralgia and myalgia in patients with ovarian cancer.

短期服用血脂康的不良反应主要为胃肠道反应,较少有肝功能异常改变和肌痛。The adverse reactions of XZK were mainly the gastrointestinal tract reaction, while liver function abnormality and myalgia were scarcely found.

尽管治疗组中,肌痛与发热更为常见,但由于治疗反应而推出的比例,与安慰剂组类似。Although myalgia and pyrexia were more common in treatment groups, dropout rates related to treatment were similar to those in the placebo group.

主要毒副作用是骨髓抑制、恶心、呕吐、脱发、关节肌肉痛和心脏毒性反应,但均可耐受。The major toxic side effects included neutropenia, nausea, vomiting, alopecia, arthralgia, myalgia and cardiac toxic reaction, but they were tolerable.

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主要毒副反应为骨髓抑制、恶心呕吐、腹泻、黏膜炎、脱发、关节肌肉痛和心脏毒性反应,但均可耐受。The major toxic side effects were neutropenia, nausea, vomiting, mucositis, alopecia, arthralgia, myalgia and cardiac toxic reaction, but were tolerable.

这三位病人的共同临床症状是,最初发烧、头痛、腹泻和肌痛,接着出现皮疹和肝功能障碍,然后病情迅速恶化和死亡。Clinical features common to the three patients initially include fever, headache, diarrhoea and myalgia developing into rash and hepatic dysfunction, followed by rapid deterioration and death.