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红与黑是一支激扬的旋律。Red and black are a inspirit melody.

他跨出一大步,可激发他的思维。He took a stride to inspirit his wits.

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企业激励机制设计的理论基础是委托—代理理论。The theory of trust-proxy is the basic idea to design the inspirit mechanism for firm.

人力资本产权激励的目标是实现对员工的短期激励和长期激励并重。The objective of stock ownership incentive is to achieve the inspirit in short term and long term.

阳明学的真精神在阳明,而阳明根本精神在“致良知”。The inspirit of Yangming Doctrine lies in Yangming, while the essence of Yangming is consciousness.

作为民俗符号,庆阳香包以其深邃的文化内涵体现着汉民族文化心理和文化精神。As the symbol of folklore, Qingyang sachet reflects the inside mind and inspirit of Han nationality.

对我自己来说,文章能抒发我的感情,表露我的喜悦,缓解我的忿怒,激励我的志向。For me, writings can show my emotion, reveal my joyance, alleviate my anger, and inspirit my ambition.

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“落花生精神”成为一种写作的指导理念始终潜藏在许地山的文学创作动因中。Groundnut Inspirit"became a kind of leading principle that always hidden in Xu dishan's artistic creation motive."

效率与公平之间存在著互激效应,它们之间不仅存在著冲突和对立,而且存在著联系和统一。Efficiency and fairness can inspirit each other, which not only conflicts and opposes but also connects and unites.

使用了高斯函数作为神经网络的激励函数,并以最小二乘准则对字符进行识别。Gauss function is used as neural network's inspirit function , and least square rule is used to recognize the character.

对职务发明产权分配制度的研究,在很大程度上就是对技术创新激励机制的研究。Studying the distribution of employee invention property is, to some extent, studying the inspirit mechanism of technology innovation.

结论反向传播网络在函数逼近方面差的原因是激励函数的全局性、隐层结点数目的不确定性。Conclusion Because of the inspirit function's globaling and the number of the Hidden Layer'node uncertainty the BPNN was not done well.

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神对他说,"你需要尝试去鼓舞部下的军心,以此来激励他们坚持下去,直到取得胜利The god says to him, "Here's what you need to do. You need to try the spirit of your men, and in that way to inspirit them to carry on until victory.

了解员工真实的内心需求,促进员工的自我激励,加强内在因素的激励作用。Find out Staff's realty incenter requirement, to accelerate staff motivate by themselves, rein-force the inspirit function of human' s inherence factor.

其次,根据国内报业集团的实际情况,从完善内控制度、业绩考核制度、激励制度等方面来加强内部管理创新。Secondly, we can strengthen the inner part management innovation, by consummating the interior control system, the assess system and the inspirit system.

同时在激励函数单调递增的条件减弱的情况下,给出了两条渐近稳定的定理,并给了严格的数学证明。With the condition of inspirit functions increasing by degrees weakening, two new global asymptotic stable theorems and strict mathematic proof were given.

时滞观测器是利用系统过去的状态信息、状态变化的信息以及过去的激励信息来估计当前系统存在的不确定性、外部扰动。The past state information, state variational information and the past inspirit information were used to estimate the uncertainty and the external disturbance.

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在此结果的基础上,对战略供应商的持续绩效改进和激励措施进行了探讨。On the basis of evaluating results, this paper discusses the durative improvement of performance of strategic suppliers. Some ways are mentioned to inspirit them.

在改革开放逐步深入的今天,如何进一步提高中学鲁迅作品的教学质量,让鲁迅精神之美、艺术之美真正得到传承是当今中学鲁迅作品教学的重要课题。How to improve the quality of teaching of Lu Xun's works' in middle schools and to pass down his inspirit and arts correctly is an important title in today's teaching.

北宋熙宁、元丰年间,雄踞于思想文化领域的“宋学四派”,为士大夫们提供了四种可供选择或归附的精神群体。There were four idealistic and academic schools on Xining and Yuanfeng period in Song dynasty, which offered four inspirit colonies to shih ta fu to select or attach to.