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悲痛的心情,在此时爆发。Heartsick mood, break out at this time.

你听说过一个人被苦恼?Have you heard of a person being heartsick ?

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每次我们通话结束时,妈妈都会显得很难过。Mom always looked heartsick when our time was up.

每次看到母亲或者与母亲聊天,我都闷闷不乐。Every time I saw or talked to Mother I was heartsick.

真是个忧伤的日子,看看那悲痛欲绝的父亲就知道了。It certainly is a gloomy day. Just look at his heartsick father.

我的21岁过了一半了,悲痛的记忆有过两次。I passed the half of my 21-year old. The heartsick memory has two.

苦恼并不意味着事情是一个人的心是错误的。Heartsick doesn't mean that something is wrong with a person's heart.

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她难过没有在婚前看到他不良的行为。She is heartsick that she did not see his poor behavior before she married him.

埃尔西试图过去搀扶他,但是他却甩开了她的手,这令埃尔西很伤心。Elsie tried to walk with him and hold hands, but he would shake her off, leaving her heartsick.

他的支持者中还包括了多数看着我长大的乡亲父老,我很难过,我的党及其进步事业竟在我面前分崩离析。And I was heartsick that my party and its progressive causes were disintegrating before my eyes.

我心里很难受。你要是谈恋爱了,你就会明白分别的痛苦。That's because I'm heartsick. If you were in love, you'd understand the agony of being separated.

只有一部分骄横不可一世的少壮军官想要继续打下去,但是就连这些人也不免气馁了。Only the heel-clicking and rabid younger officers wanted to continue, and even they were heartsick.

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然而,我的告诫没有成功,她一如既往地每六个星期给我们写一次明信片。I drove away heartsick , but my advice had no effect—she still sent us the same postcard every six weeks.

但是,我的劝告根本无效,她仍然每六个星期寄来一张相同的邮卡。I drove away heartsick , but my advice had no effect-she still sent us the same post card every six weeks.

希拉里。克林顿对于今天早上摩托车护卫队警员死于车祸而深感悲痛。Hillary Clinton says she is heartsick at a motorcycle officer died in a crash this morning while escorting her motorcade.

我每天都会收到几封读者的电子邮件,他们要么仍深陷于婚外情中,要么因刚刚结束一段婚外情而心情沮丧。I receive a handful of e-mails a day from my readers who are either stuck in an emotional affair or have ended one but are still extremely heartsick.

帕斯金万念俱灰,无法继续在匈牙利待下去,便于数日之后再次启程,徒步偷偷穿越了多个边境,最后到了巴黎。A few days later, too heartsick to remain any longer in Hungary, he set out on foot again, stealing across border after border until he reached Paris.

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我跟她说我深爱大卫,但这个老是从房间、床上、地球上销声匿迹的人,让我多么孤单消沉。I told her how much I loved David, but how lonely and heartsick it made me to be with this person who was always disappearing from the room, from the bed, from the planet.

“我很枯燥的和无法用语言沮丧的考虑不玛丽拉弗斯的生活,并大大出乎我的梦想荣幸地分享她的精神和她的职业生涯,”他说。"I am deadened and heartsick beyond words to consider a life without Mary Travers and honored beyond my wildest dreams to have shared her spirit and her career, " he said.