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他对那个动物的命运漠不关心。He showed total insensibility to the animals fate.

你永远不会知道,我那些假装的无所谓。You never know, those insensibility that I pretend.

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她一处在没有知觉的状态下,最后去世了。She lingers in a state of insensibility and later dies.

我不在乎朋友和我做同样或不同的事。I am insensibility my friends that do the same or differently things.

最黑暗无光的是无知和没觉知的。The only lightless dark is the night of darkness in ignorance and insensibility.

身体健康而头脑迟钝,心情愉快而感觉麻木,这可以避免多少忧虑、烦恼和无谓的痛苦呀!What a deal of grief, care, and other harmful excitement, does a healthy dullness and cheerful insensibility avoid!

一个实行体系用于查验举行了跟踪本领和充耳不闻植物的参数变化。An experimental system was used to validate experimentally the tracking ability and the insensibility to plant parameter changes.

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之前,这具身体可没有这么大的酒量,今日喝了这些烈酒,却如同饮水一般,毫无感觉。Before, this body tin have no so huge capability for liquor and drank these strong drinks today, but like drinking general, milli- insensibility.

一个人看了十几次的解剖或者截肢手术后,以后再看见这样的手术就会变得淡然了,甚至会完全无动于衷。One who has been witness to a dozen dissections, and as many amputations, sees, ever after, all operations of this kind with great indifference, and often with perfect insensibility.

究其原因主要是由于超早期诊断困难,溶栓及神经保护治疗的个体时间窗不明和缺乏特效的药物。The reason lies in the difficulty of super early diagnosis, insensibility of the window time of nerve protective therapy, dissolution of thrombus and absence of special effective drugs.

一种麻醉状态,其特点是感觉不到疼痛但并未失去知觉,由注射吗啡和天仙子碱而引起,特别是用来减轻分娩时疼痛。An amnesic condition characterized by insensibility to pain without loss of consciousness, induced by an injection of morphine and scopolamine, especially to relieve the pain of childbirth.