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我是个标准的都市女孩,你指望我做什么呢?!I’m an urban girly girl, whaddya want me to do!?

志燮在桌上跳性感女孩的舞???!!!Jisub danced this girly sexy dance on the table???! ! !

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我不觉得你是个娘娘腔,你就是有点女性化。I don't really think you're a sissy. You're a little girly.

弄清楚女人和女孩气质上的差别。Know the difference between being feminine and being girly.

人们就因为她们是女孩就送她们女孩的礼物这不公平!!Going around giving people girly presents just because they're a girl.

秦观的女郎诗与其纯情的性格有关。His girly poems have much to do with his character of sincerity and purity.

我们的确你给我们取的女孩子们的宠物名字,但是,摆脱,别在那帮子哥们面前叫!We actually like your girly pet-names for us, but please, not in front of the guys!

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这些趣味十足的印花将传统的柔美风格发扬光大。Traditionally girly styles are made even more feminine with theaddition of this fun print.

杰·雷诺说服了施瓦辛格,让这位州长在表演中手持一支假火箭炮向他开火,并公然喊他“娘娘腔”。Jay convinced the governor to fire a fake bazooka at him and call him a "girly man" as part of the act.

孩童时期,墨菲较喜欢与洋娃娃一起玩,并参与其它一些在人们的印象中”女性化”的活动。As a child, Murphy preferred playing with dolls and engaging in other stereotypically "girly" activities.

魔力小布的秀发直垂到膝,他的直刘海也让她看起来年轻可爱。Mod Molly straight hair comes down to her knees and her pin straight bangs make her look young and girly.

教会她生殖器官的医学名称,但允许她用她喜欢的方式来称呼。Teach her the clinical names for her girly parts, but give her permission to choose what she wants to call it.

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从叠匙式入手,向前滑开一条腿,让他靠近你的香体。Start off in spooning position, then slide one leg forward in front of you giving him access to your girly parts.

秦观女郎诗的本质是一种阴柔美,它来源于秦观对道教的深刻体验。The essence of girly poems is a kind of feminine beauty, which originates from his profound experience of Taoism.

Cheer独有的小女生的温柔、细腻、敏感和她自由自在却永不放弃的生活态度总会让我想起那些快乐抑或悲伤的回忆。Her girly softness and sensitiveness and her relaxed yet never-give-up attitude always bring back happy or sad memories.

这条意想不到的新闻让一向以纯情少女示人的蔡卓妍面临信任危机。This unexpected news alsosparked a credit crisis for Charlene who always impressed the public with her very girly image.

这个爆炸性新闻也对蔡卓妍造成了信任危机,她一直是以很少女形象示人的。This jaw-dropping news also provoked a credit crisis for Charlene who always impressed the public with her very girly image.

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有一天,她突然萌生了一个孩子气的念头,就在日记中说她想买一把班卓琴,可她那位素来“专制”的丈夫不让她买。One day, on a girly whim, she wrote that she wanted to buy a banjo but that her husband, ever the "tyrant", wouldn't let her.

有一天,她突然萌生了一个孩子气的念头,就在日记中说她想买一把班卓琴,可她那位素来“专制”的丈夫不让她买。One day, on a girly whim, she wrote that she wanted to buy a banjo but that her husband, ever the “tyrant”, wouldn’t let her.

女郎诗是历代文学史家对秦观诗歌创作所做出的整体美学品价。Literary historians of past dynasties use "girly poems" as a general term to evaluate the aesthetic quality of Qin Guan's poems.