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我的第一个公司拥有过两个战略投资者。I had two strategics in my first company.

如果你有知道其他伟大的战略投资者,请列出清单来。And if you know any great strategics please list them.

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很多战略投资者在如何帮助企业家方面缺少经验Many strategics have less experience in helping entrepreneurs

秦汉兵学还是秦汉整个文化体系中的重要组成部分。Strategics in Qin Han Dynasty is a vital part in Qin Han cultural system as well.

并就如何恢复和发展森林植被,提出了一些对策。Some strategics are proposed in the paper to restore and develop forest vegetation in this area.

文章尝试从兵法计谋的视角看软件开发中的原则、技巧、解决方案。Principles, technique and solutions in software development are reviewed by a view of military strategics and stratagems.

作为战争准备和战争实施理论与方法的兵学,在秦汉得到了空前的升华。As the theory and methodology for war preparation and war implementation, strategics gained unprecedented development in Qin Han Dynasty.

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秦汉兵学是先秦兵学在新的历史条件下的总结、继承和发展。Strategics in Qin Han Dynasty was integrated, carried on, and extended from that of Pre Qin periods under the new historic conditions at that time.

是近代中国最著名的一所军事学校,培养了许多在抗日战争和国共内战中闻名的指挥官。It is latter-day China's famousest strategics school, fostered a lot of is in the War of Resistance Against Japan and country in all the renowned commander in civil war.

马赛厄斯是一个法国人,他在边境上工作了很久,暗恋着鲁本的妹妹,在巧克力店工作的露易丝。Marseilles strategics point this it is a French, he worked on border land very long, dark the little sister that loving Reuben, yi Si is shown in what chocolate inn works.

在这个强者生、弱者亡、智者兴、愚者衰的时代,我们的祖先用他们的智慧创造出流佳百世的兵法与计谋。In this overmatch unripe, weak dies, wisdom person promote, I person declining times, our ancestor goes out with their wisdom creation shed beautiful the strategics of 100 worlds and scheme.

目前国内外对心理战传单的研究,大多着眼于军事心理学或大众传播学的视角,应用语言学的理论对其进行研究的则付之阙如。The previous research into leaflets either abroad or at home is mainly from the perspective of psychology of strategics or mass communications with little exploration within linguistic theories.