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在任何分析与年龄层中,没有一个是卵巢切除术与增加存活率有关的。In no analysis or age group was oophorectomy associated with increased survival.

为更深入的了解这些问题,他们研究了绝经开始前卵巢切除的影响。To provide more insight into these issues, they studied the effect of oophorectomy prior to menopause onset.

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对那些激素治疗无效者,是否应强制子宫全切加卵巢切除,对此仍有争议。Whether oophorectomy with total hysterectomy is mandated for patients failing hormonal therapy is controversial.

单纯保乳术不适用于BRCA相关乳腺癌,应该考虑行双侧乳腺切除或保乳术联合双侧卵巢切除。Bilateral prophylactic mastectomy or oophorectomy can reduce the incidence of breast cancer in BRCA mutation carriers.

结论为防止骨质疏松症的发生,该类患者应尽早进行激素替代疗法。CONCLUSIONS In women receving bilateral oophorectomy estrogen therapy must be started as early as possible to prevent osteoporosis.

因此,预防性卵巢切除术,透过降低卵巢癌风险来达到改善存活的目标,我们的研究结果似乎没有支持这样的看法。Therefore, prophylactic oophorectomy , with the goal of improving survival by reducing ovarian cancer, seems not to be supported by our study.

有鑑于在美国每年有300,000女性接受选择性卵巢切除术,这些发现对公共卫生将有很大的意义。Given that approximately 300,000 U. S. women per year undergo elective oophorectomy , these findings have important public health implications.

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年轻女性正处于生育阶段,临床上常出现卵巢恶性生殖细胞肿瘤合并妊娠的情况。Now combination of unilateral salpingo- oophorectomy with adjuvant chemotherapy is the standard approach to treat patients with malignant ovarian germ cell tumors.

“这一发现结果是相似的,不管卵巢切除的适应症和单侧或双侧卵巢切除分开考虑,”研究者写道。"The findings were similar regardless of the indication for the oophorectomy , and for unilateral or bilateral oophorectomy considered separately, " the investigators write.

捐赠者是一名46岁的女性,经病理分析证实有多囊肿的早起症状,需要进行子宫切除及双侧输卵管切除术。The donor was a 46-year-old woman qualified for hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy because of numerous cysts with histopathologically confirmed benign character.