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最坏的情况是,他们可能得重新协商此项交易。In a worst case scenario they might have to renegotiate the deal.

因为这些理由,郑仁哲说,他想就这项协定重新进行协商。For these reasons, Jung says he wants to renegotiate the agreement.

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该延迟已经花掉了数以百万计的成本,迫使空中客车公司与多家客户重新谈判合同。The delays have cost millions and forced Airbus to renegotiate contracts with several customers.

然后建立一个30天的试用期,克隆茨说,“因为你们有可能需要重新协商。”Then set up a trial period of 30 days, says Klontz, "because you'll probably want to renegotiate."

此外,银行业者可能也会被迫重新谈判部份贷款条件,以避免更多损失.In addition, banks could also be forced to renegotiate some loans in order to avoid further losses.

罗纳尔迪尼奥的哥哥,也是他的经纪人罗伯特。阿西斯,已经准备重新和巴萨谈小罗的合同问题。Ronaldinho's brother and agent, Roberto Assis, has offered to renegotiate the player's buyout clause with Barca.

在第一次的袭击信息披露后,韦里孙表示可能要重新协商交易条款。Verizon said that it might seek to renegotiate the terms of the transaction after the first hacking was disclosed.

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如果法院同意了阿根廷邮政的破产保护申请,它将有机会就债务问题进行重新谈判。If Correo Argentino's plea for protection is granted by courts, it will have the possibility to renegotiate its debts.

巴西人上周重新加盟安菲尔德,之前他曾在拉法·贝尼特斯在任时因谈判破裂离开球队。The Brazilian re-signed at Anfield last week after initially failing to renegotiate his contract under Rafael Benitez.

不高兴的大公司或有线电视公司可以很容易地重新和Starz谈判合同,阻止它与Netflix的合作。Unhappy studios or cable companies could easily renegotiate their contract with Starz to discourage it from working with Netflix.

在这些情况下,客户和提供者必须就协议条款重新谈判以确定满足客户的服务品质。In these cases, the client and provider must renegotiate the terms of the agreement to establish a level that satisfies the customer.

尽管没有得到升职,但是,通过重新协商,她的工作任务得到了调整,这让她感到非常开心,对发生的事情也更有把握力了。She didn't get the promotion, but she did renegotiate her job duties, which made her feel happier and more in control of the situation.

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然而库拉索却希望就此合约重新谈判,可能的话,达到更高的租用价格,经济事务专员大卫?迪克如是说。But Cura?ao wants to renegotiate the contract, when it can, to get a higher rent, says David Dick, the commissioner of economic affairs.

最近由于拒绝重新进行许可证续期的谈判,它刚刚失去了派拉蒙,米高梅和狮门影业的影片发行权。It recently lost distribution rights to Paramount, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Lionsgate movies after declining to renegotiate licensing deals.

麦凯恩说,他的重点工作之一将是帮助偿付抵押贷款有困难的人重定房贷条款。McCain said one of his top priorities would be to help Americans struggling to pay their mortgages to renegotiate the value of those mortgages.

其中包括正告加拿大和墨西哥,除非我们就核心的劳工和环境标准进行再协商,否则我们将退出该协定,”希拉里说道。And it does include telling Canada and Mexico that we will opt out unless we renegotiate the core labor and environmental standards," Clinton said.

在某些德国人的要求下,后者立场已经趋于软化,即当任何国家寻求救助时,应就其债务问题与债权人重新举行谈判。The latter proposals have been softened from demands by some Germans that any country seeking a bail-out should renegotiate its debt with creditors.

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中广核不情愿去重新谈判很可能也反映了目前世界特别是中国对于核电的担忧有些过度。CGNPC's reluctance to renegotiate may also reflect a belief that the current worries about nuclear power—especially in its home country—are overdone.

投票要求举行全民公决,讨论英国是否应退出欧盟,与欧盟其他国家重新谈判还是在现有条款下保留欧盟成员国资格。The vote calls for a nationwide referendum on whether Britain should leave the EU renegotiate its treaty with Brussels or remain a member on current terms.

布什政府也鼓励房屋贷款机构和那些资金周转困难、住房即将被没收的借贷人重新谈判贷款条件。The Bush administration has also encouraged mortgage lenders to renegotiate loan terms with financially-strapped borrowers facing foreclosure on their homes.