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她们可能是育龄期女性。They might be women of childbearing age.

染色体异常与不良生育史有关系。Chromosomal anomaly are associated with abnormal childbearing.

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女人必须衣着简朴,不能戴首饰,通过生育得到救赎。Women have to be modestly dressed,no jewelry, saved through childbearing.

中国的第一代独生子女已经到了婚育年龄。The first generation under-child policy has reached the age of childbearing.

鉴于平均寿命、适婚年龄、和生育年龄持续上升。With the average lifespan , marriage and childbearing ages all continuing to rise.

从生物学的角度,最佳生育期是20-35岁。Biologically, the optimum period for childbearing is between 20 and 35 years of age.

实际上,它影响了二分之一的孕妇和五分之一的育龄妇女。in fact, it affects half of all pregnant women and 1 out of 5 women of childbearing age.

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中国的第一代独生子女已经到了婚育年龄。The first generation born under the one-child policy has reached the age of childbearing.

也正是因为汞的危害,许多州都警告育龄妇女节制吃鱼。Many states warn women of childbearing age to limit fish consumption because of mercury dangers.

现实中,乔治亚州对于孕妇是个糟糕的地方,尤其是有色人种的妇女。In reality, Georgia is a terrible place for women of childbearing age, especially women of color.

结论乳腺疾病是育妇女的一种常见病,病率高,危害性大。Conclusion mammary gland disease is a common women of childbearing age, a high incidence, harmfulness.

参加了并完成了昌邑市柳疃镇育龄妇女管理系统的设计与实现。Participated in and completed the town women of childbearing age Management System Design and Implementation.

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它的计算方法是用特定时间内的出生率除以育龄妇女的数量。It is worked out by dividing the birth rate in a particular period by the number of women of childbearing age.

如果确定育龄女性需要使用托吡酯,必须采取有效的避孕措施。If the decision is made to use topiramate in women of childbearing age, effective birth control should be used.

随着性解放思想的蔓延,选择未婚同居的人的数量在激增,这是构成美国女性早育的主要原因。Early childbearing is mainly caused by the increasing rate of cohabitation and the influence of sexual revolution.

经过多年的多生孩子热后,大城市里的许多年轻夫妇对生孩子正逐渐失去兴趣。After years of enthusiasm for more children, childbearing is losing its appeal for many young couples in big cities.

为了推迟怀孕,法律规定最低的适婚年龄为女性20岁、男性22岁。In order to delay childbearing , the law sets the minimum marriage age for women at 20 years and for men at 22 years.

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在世界各地,年轻妇女的生育决定将确定全球人口增长率是否稳定。Around the world, the childbearing decisions of young women will determine whether global population stabilizes or not.

同时,人们的婚育、养老观念也发生了深刻变化。The same period saw impressive changes in the people's attitude towards marriage, childbearing and the elderly support.

县政府把育龄妇女保健纳入全县工作计划之中,财政拨付专项资金。Women of childbearing age health care into the county to county work program, the Financial appropriated special funds.