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我们两国有世界上最长的而且是不设防的边境。We share the longest unguarded border in the world.

光的碎片漫然地萦萦留连于你的天空。Unguarded , some fragments of light linger in your sky.

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要知道这里以外有2000英里的边境是无人值守的。What's out there is 2, 000 miles of unguarded frontier.

首先用一条未监护的日志语句编写一个测试案例。First I wrote a test case with an unguarded log statement.

我创建了另外一个有趣的未监护日志检测器。I created an interesting variant of the unguarded logging detector.

当任何机件正在运转中,不要添油或调机。Do not oil or adjust unguarded machines while any parts are in motions.

武器激增,包括成堆无防备的炸药跟火箭。Weapons proliferate, including explosives and rockets in unguarded piles.

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现在考虑图2-34a所示的无保护的电阻测量设置情况。Consider the unguarded resistance measurement setup shown in Figure 2-34a.

在他们的牢房后面有一个无人看守的走廊,走廊的尽头有一个通往房顶的通风口。Behind their cells was an unguarded corridor that led to a vent on the roof.

餐馆主动降价。不设防的自动取款机就这么置在那儿。强者关爱弱者。Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.

你们孤独而无心地错待了别人,从而也错待了自己。That you, alone and unguarded , commit a wrong unto others and therefore unto yourself.

未监护日志例子中的小组还有捕获异常的问题。The team from the unguarded logging example also had problems with catching exceptions.

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趁其没有防备的时候悄悄有其衣服上撒下了可以制产瘟疫假像的草药。While the unguarded quietly when the clothes and the system can produce plague false as herbal medicine.

在我看来,第一次成功为他带来了赞美,他在全盘接受这些赞美声的同时也让自己暴露了过多的缺点,从而使自己在失败后陷入了更深的批评声中。I feel his unguarded acceptance of all praise in the first victory is what opened him to deeper criticism later.

基层同志都显得特别紧张,我让他们放松些,可能一不留神,神情上有些放松。I was trying to get them to relax a little, so maybe, in an unguarded moment, I got a little too relaxed myself.

经过激烈的争夺,在禁区外布莱克漂亮的把球旋入空门。From a tight angle and outside the box, Blake superbly curled the ball into the unguarded net with impressive ease.

乘船点距离丹东市区大约20分钟的路程,似乎是边界上无人值守的地区。The embarkation point was about 20 minutes north of downtown Dandong, along a seemingly unguarded part of the border.

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他驶向空无一人的皮卡迪利大街,静静地穿过特拉法尔加广场,把车停在没了警卫的白金汉宫外面。He drove down an empty Piccadilly, crossed Trafalgar Square in silence, and parked outside the unguarded Buckingham Palace.

5月26日星期一晚上,有两三百名难民冲破拦截他们的屏障,通过一道无人把守的门跑出离开了查菲堡。On Monday night, May 26, a couple hundred refugees charged the barricades and ran out of the fort through an unguarded gate.

但这样,罗斯福就必须每日驱车穿过无保卫措施的街道和市镇到达苏联和英国使馆。This would have required Roosevelt to drive daily through unguarded streets across town to the Soviet and British embassies.