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此路禁止通行!No passage this way!

我个人认为这段文字写得太好了。It's a wonderful passage.

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那篇文章中没有提到。This passage didn't exist.

把这一节再读一次。Read the passage once more.

请把这一段文字解释一下。Kindly explain this passage.

这段是小说的结尾。This passage ends the novel.

这一段不能分析。This passage won't construe.

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燕西想起了圣经中的一段话。Bible passage came to Yancey.

你怎么理解这段话?How do you read this passage?

燕西想起了圣经中的一段话。A Bible passage came to Yancey.

然后,在一段凄惨的文字中And then,in a deplorable passage

她从一本小说中选了一段。She took a passage from a novel.

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这里有一个小选段This is just one little passage.

这过道可容纳两人并排进出。This passage admits two abreast.

一个极限的高数证明题。What does this passage tell you?

哪篇文章是你写的?。Which passage is written by you?

我读一下最后一段。I'll just read this last passage.

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杰克靠干活偿付船费来到中国。Jack worked his passage to China.

油路部分堵塞了。The oil passage is partly blocked.

为什么这段话会留在我的脑海里?Why does that passage stay with me?