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这一慷慨举动并非毫无代价。This largesse comes at a price.

我会冷漠于意外的赏赉?In unexpected largesse? am I cold.

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但是中国现在要面对着这一慷慨大气的后果。But now China is facing the consequences of its largesse.

化工企业是这种发展中的受益者。The chemical enterprise is a beneficiary of that largesse.

“当下我们活在政府异常慷慨的时代,”一个银行老板如是说。“We all exist at the largesse of the government right now,” says a bank boss.

他想在四年内凭借大政府令经济有起色从而再次当选吗?Does he want to get re-elected in four years by pumping up the economy with government largesse?

学校,州雇员,医疗机构甚至狗舍都能在繁荣时期得到政府的慷慨援助。Schools, state employees, health care, even dog kennels, benefited from largesse in flush times.

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他提出,报社也可以同样的方式受益,得到热爱新闻事业慈善人士的慷慨解囊。He suggests that newspapers would benefit fromsimilar largesse from those who profess to love them.

在这场突发事件中,美联储同样介入,为哪些投资银行提供了更为慷慨的借款。The Federal Reserve also chipped in with more largesse in its emergency lending program for investment banks.

默尔顿坚称他没有为他对保守党的资助寻求或获得任何利益。Moulton insisted that he did not seek or receive any benefits from the Tories as a result of his financial largesse.

雨可以降给有义之人,也可以降给不义之人――可是至少在这位首相掌管期间是不会有什么慷慨的赐予的。Rain may fall on the just and the unjust-but not'at least while this Prime Minister is in charge, government largesse.

而像塔河尼这样许多心态保守的利比亚人,已经为酋长国经营已久,并从援助中获取利益。Many secular-minded Libyans such as Mr Tarhouni have spent much time in the emirate and have benefited from its largesse.

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但是,芬兰人在慷慨的国家养老金以及其他大方的福利中的权利要比他们所拥有的储蓄金有价值得多。The Finns ' entitlement to a generous state pension and other largesse counts for more than a nest egg to call one's own.

作为一个耀眼的民粹主义者,他对穷苦和虔诚的伊朗民众显示出的关心和慷慨,让他在群众中赢得了一席之地。A brilliant populist, he has showered enough attention and largesse on poor, pious Iranians to win a place in their hearts.

最后,迪拜事件警告我们,不要以为投资永远都会得到政府的担保——即便是在这个政府慷慨大度的时代。Finally, Dubai is a warning not to assume investments are always state-guaranteed, even in this age of government largesse.

最安全的还是海湾地区富得流油的王室,他们的慷慨大体上使他们人数不多的民众保持安顺。Least vulnerable of all are the boiling-rich monarchs of the Gulf , whose largesse generally keeps their small populations quiet.

后来她的母亲嫁给了标准石油公司的继承人小休•奥金克洛斯,可继父休并没有接济杰奎琳和她的姐妹。When her mother married the Standard Oil heir Hugh D. Auchincloss Jr. , his largesse did not extend to Jacqueline and her sister.

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由于南部经济的发展单纯依靠于石油,为了其生存,新政府必须继续其石油馈赠以实现其石油出口。For the solely oil-driven southern economy to survive, the region's significant oil largesse must continue to find a way out of its soil.

像以色列和土耳其这样的盟友由于感受到危机和依靠美国的慷慨援助,他们本能地长期追随美国的政策。Allies such as Israel and Turkey long followed American wishes reflexively because they felt imperilled and dependent on American largesse.

在她的印象里,玛丽是个与众不同的姑娘,爱嚷嚷、很热情、喜欢开玩笑,而且还因出手大方而闻名于当时整个村。In her memory, Mary was a larger than life character---- noisy, very friendly, and always joking and was noted for her largesse at that time.