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除此之外,麦凯恩的顺口溜也值得商榷。Besides, the McCain dictum is debatable.

文如其人,这句名言是我们大多数人都熟悉的。The dictum that the style is the man is known to most of us.

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本论文的主体部分由五章及附论构成。The body of the thesis consists of five chapters and a dictum.

弟子在一次老子论断研讨会上全神领会The disciples were absorbed in a discussion of Lao-tzu's dictum

最终,也许很快,市场肯定会兑现米考伯的格言。Eventually, perhaps soon, the market must obey Mr Micawber's dictum.

最终,也许很快,市场肯定会兑现米考伯的格言。Eventually, perhaps soon, the market must obey Mr Micawber’s dictum.

公寓生活是唯一真正的快乐,住公寓的人一定都赞成我的论断。Flat-dwellers shall indorse my dictum that theirs is the only true happiness.

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我之前提到,弥尔顿引用彼得的格言,“对于纯洁的人,世间一切都纯洁“As I've just noted, Milton quotes Paul's dictum that "to the pure, all things are pure."

这份声明,但仅在判词中,不属于有约束力的先例。This statement, however, was only in dictum , and does not fall into the category of binding precedent.

要是说对阿克顿勋爵的格言有什么补充的话,我只会说,自由裁量权要比制度中赋予的权利更容易造成腐败。I would only add to Acton's dictum that discretionary power is even more corrupting than the power embodied in regulations.

要是说对阿克顿勋爵的格言有什么补充的话,我只会说,自由裁量权要比制度中赋予的权利更容易造成腐败。I would only add to Acton’s dictum that discretionary power is even more corrupting than the power embodied in regulations.

是哲学家或是诗学家,或者你可以说,人类的真正立法者,如果你想要借用雪莱名言的话?Are the philosophers or are the poets you might say the true legislators for mankind ?! if you want to use Shelley's dictum?

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其它盟国言辞生硬地声讨莫斯科,抗议他们的冷血屠杀。Another Dictum. The Allies fired off stiffly worded protests to Moscow against the East German regime's "coldblooded killings."

被认为最会做生意的犹太人甚至把“年轻时尚人士的钱最好赚”奉为至理格言。Be thought that "best profit of the personage money meet Jew who does business most even looks upon young fad" as famous dictum aphorism.

不过,在人们的内心深处,似乎对舶来品还是有着一股无法言明的偏好,即便是厨柜市场也不例外。Nevertheless, in the depth of the heart of people, still having to exotic it seems that cannot the preference of dictum , even if is hutch ark market not exceptional also.