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由杰瑞.曼特和爱德华.戈德史密斯编辑。Edited by Jerry Mander and Edward Goldsmith.

这是欧文对奥利弗·戈德史密斯的评语。This is Irving's appraisal of Oliver Goldsmith.

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贪婪的金匠被判决有罪,受到惩处。The greedy goldsmith was found guilty and was executed.

意指金匠会把金子付给持票人That means that the goldsmith would pay it to the bearer.

戈德史密斯修理了屋顶,以确保房屋能够抗风。Goldsmith has repaired the roof to ensure the house is wind-proof.

门掩金铺独自眠,那更逢寒夜。Up to the door goldsmith sleep alone, it is more every cold night.

这57枚彩蛋是珠宝商兼金匠卡尔•法贝热制作的。There were 57 eggs made by Carl Fabergé, the jeweller and goldsmith.

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我问这个金匠能不能把项链改成戒指。I asked the goldsmith if he could make me a ring out of the necklace.

中国高士,总部位于香港,拥有29间销售办事处。China Goldsmith , is headquartered in Hong Kong, with 29 sales offices.

于是,金匠给了他三百个银币,还欠他一百。The goldsmith gave him three hundred talers, and remained a hundred in his debt.

切利尼——16世纪最伟大的金匠,主要的雕塑家之一。Cellini-the greatest goldsmith and one of the main sculptures of the 16thcentury.

同时,高士也是世界上第二大的拉链制造商。At the same time, Goldsmith is also the world's second largest zipper manufacturer.

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斯蒂芬史密斯中校他们也建了一个不错的牛栏。Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen Goldsmith has found they also make a good cattle corral.

我在前面讲了一个金匠银行家的故事,现在就没那么简单了This goes beyond the simple goldsmith banker story that I was motivating initially.

就是说,只有一部分金子,是金匠对外的负债That is, the goldsmith only had a fraction of the gold that was owed by the goldsmith.

紧接着这个金匠发现,保险箱里的金子就这么放着The goldsmith then discovered, all this gold sitting in my safe is just sitting there.

1982年骄傲的祖母桃乐西戈德史密斯在照相机前展示了美丽的公主。Proud grandmother Dorothy Goldsmith presents her pretty princess to the cameras in 1982.

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但当他十四或十五岁时,有一个金匠同情他而收他为徒。But when he was fourteen or fifteen, a goldsmith took pity on him and made him an apprentice.

所以这个金匠会在票据上签名,保证归还多少盎司的金子So, the goldsmith would sign his name on it saying, I promise to give so many ounces of gold.

他们在自己的店里有保险柜,有些人会对这些金匠说,我有一些贵重物品。They had safes in their shop and some people would say to the goldsmith I have some valuables.