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至于剩余的水,卡雷拉也计画将它去盐出售。Calera plans to desalinate the leftover water and sell it.

这个系统一天可以将高于600公升的盐水去盐。The system can desalinate up to 600 liters of brackish water a day.

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民俗首先营造了一个民俗场,淡化了浓重的时代背景。First, folklore make a space that can desalinate the times background.

课程内容要淡化固有理念,实行模块化教学。Course content will desalinate inherent concept, carry out modular teaching.

淡化这一“标准”是学报改革与发展的重要方面。The reform and development of journals require to desalinate this criterion.

洗纹身绿色和红色难洗,只能淡化。Washes the model community green and red difficult to wash, can only desalinate.

那么,为了缓解水荒,减少由此而引起的冲突,我们为什么不多淡化些海水呢?So why don't we desalinate more to alleviate shortages and growing water conflicts?

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有意淡化战争,美化苦难,将军人生活诗意化。They desalinate wars, beautify hardships and portray the life of soldiers with a poetic flavor.

核反应堆能用于发电——它们也能用于淡化海水。Nuclear reactors can be used to generate electricity – but they can also be used to desalinate water.

因此,我们必须对水的再生、再利用,淡化水和节约用水做出决定,以获得更多的用水。So, among all of us, we must decide to regenerate, reutilize, desalinate and save to have more water.

湖泊水质逐渐淡化,700年后湖水矿化度将达平衡浓度。The water will gradually desalinate and the mineralization will tend to equilibrium concentration after 700 years.

为了制造淡水,更多的城市正在消耗燃料以淡化海水,但这会推高石油价格。To make fresh water, more cities are burning fuel to desalinate seawater, but that helps push up the price of oil.

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他们复制本质上找到的功能系统提供冷却,引起能量和甚而淡化水。They are copying functional systems found in nature to provide cooling, generate energy and even to desalinate water.

淡化海水所需的能源和技术价格不菲,这就意味着海水淡化的代价极其昂贵。Energy and the technology to desalinate water are both expensive, and this means that desalinating water can be pretty costly.

如果可能的话,我试着在星期六晚上卖光所有的鱼,并且将咸鱼脱去盐分以备星期天使用。I try to run the fish out by Saturday night if possible and maybe desalinate some salted fish for Sunday if we have it to hand.

但语法教学费时低效的状况依然未曾扭转,淡化语法的论调甚嚣尘上。But the method in existence is inefficient, a great many teachers wanted to desalinate the time for grammar teaching in classroom.

这就意味着在当地几乎总是可以找到比淡化海水更廉价的淡水,然而,这种价格差距正在消失。That means it's still almost always cheaper to use local freshwater than to desalinate seawater. This price gap, however, is closing.

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消除皱纹,诱发胶原蛋白的产生,刺激组织细胞生长,皮肤粗糙的问题,改善皮肤伤疤和妊娠纹。Desalinate the wrinkle, collagen induction, stimulate the growth of cellular tissue, skin thickness problems, improve skin scar and pregnancy veins.

防腐措施主要是对原油深度脱盐并在塔顶注入中和剂和缓蚀剂。The main anticorrosion measures are to intensively desalinate crude oil and inject neutralizer and corrosion inhibitor through the top of the column.

大众文化的兴起是经济转型、文化意识形态的淡化和电子媒介的迅速发展等因素共同作用的结果。As the result of the joint function with economy change, desalinate of culture ideology and the rapid development of electronic intermediate, mass culture has sprung up.