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只有国王和祭司才能进入神庙内。Only the king and priests could enter a ziggurat.

我们认为他向北去哀嚎通灵塔了。We think he went off north to the Wailing Ziggurat.

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在他统治期间,给人最深刻印象的纪念碑是乌尔的金字形神塔。The most impressive monument of his reign was the ziggurat at Ur.

要到达天堂山的第七层只能从金字塔神殿向上攀登。The seventh layer of Mount Celestia can be reached only by climbing the ziggurat.

金字形神塔的砖块上刻有其建造者苏美尔国王乌尔·那姆的名字。The bricks of the Ziggurat are stamped with the name of Ur Nammu, the Sumerian king who built it.

巨大山脉的最高峰也在这一层,就在一个庞大的金字塔神殿的顶部,刺向更高的高度。The peak of the great mountain is found here , topped by a giant ziggurat that ascends even higher.

我们的境况没啥希望了。我们接到命令用几苗人去占领哀嚎通灵塔。Our situation is nearly hopeless. We were ordered to take the Wailing Ziggurat with a handful of men.

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据这里说是,如果塔在你的王国中,你可以在自己的回合结束时,自选一种颜色,拿一个该色方块。If you have the Ziggurat in your kingdom at the end of the turn, you get a cube of the color of your chioce.

用十几个人向被污染的蜘蛛城市外围的天灾通灵塔进攻,我看是疯了。Call me crazy, but storming a Scourge ziggurat outside a plagued Nerubian city with a dozen men ain't my idea of fun.

独特的阿卡狄亚庙堂,因此可以脱离仅止于视觉性、功能性目标之范畴,达到一个绿色建筑的新阶段,连结并刺激所有的感官。This unique arcadian ziggurat is thus removed from the category of a mere visual or functional object and achieves a new level of green architecture connecting to and stimulating all of the senses.