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你的目标必须可以达到而且要具体。Your goals should be attainable and specific.

他常渴望得到一些无法得到的东西。He often yearns for things which are not attainable.

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另一个要记住的事为你自己订下可达到的目标。Another tip to remember is to set attainable goals for yourself.

氢弹也出现在公众的视野了,成了可行性的目标。The H-bomb appears on the public horizon as a probably attainable goal.

唯一的解决办法就是得让这个任务对菜鸟而言更易于上手。The solution to this issue is to make the field more attainable to newbies.

怀疑论学派主创者是皮瑞翁,他认为所有的知识并非都是可得的。The Sceptics followed Pyrrhon, who held that not all knowledge was attainable.

这是海底可利用的稀土元素资源量首次得到确认。It is the first time attainable rare earth elements were confirmed on the seafloor.

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在我们这个时代,我们这代人就可以在这一实实在在的基础之上,建立起一个新的世界。It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation.

你会觉得在学术上达到那种水平是可以实现的,so it really makes it seem a lot more attainable to, to be at that level in academia,

没有冠冕堂皇的说辞,只是想以行动,去实现一个可以实现的愿望。No high-sounding rhetoric, just want to take action to achieve an attainable aspiration.

我们希望哥本哈根会议的成果是公正、合理、可实现的。We hope that the result of the Copenhagen Conference is just, reasonable and attainable.

他们承认夺取胜利已不再可能,只得同意投降谈判。种竹成林。They conceded that victory was no longer attainable and agreed to a negotiated surrender.

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设定严格、实际的时限是让计划不断“轰轰”前行的极好方法。Setting real but attainable limits is a great way to keep the project humming, so to speak.

即使是最有挑战性的目标,你也可以分出不同层次的难度。They should reflect varying levels of difficulty with even the most challenging attainable.

那些是想要达成的话,有一点遥远、需要一点时间的。Those are the ones where "attainable" is a little hazier and timely may be a little farther.

为了让你了解所有这些是如何得出的,此处有一些值得考虑的事实。To give you an idea of how attainable all of this is, here are some facts worth considering.

这是我们可得到的最高水平的健康的权利,在PLHIV的情况下这意味着ART。It is our right to have the highest attainable standard of health and in the case of PLHIV this means ART.

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古生物化石与地质遗迹保护对于可持续发展具有重要意义。The protection of Ammonite res fossil and geologic trace is of great significance for attainable development.

他说,可持续发展征途只有依托一项性别包容性议程才能一帆风顺。The road to sustainable development, he said, is only attainable if it is built on a gender inclusive agenda.

如果为什么和怎么做这些额外的因素可以被更公开的讨论,或许它们可以变得普遍性地可以达到。If the why and how of Extras can be discussed more openly, perhaps they can become more universally attainable.