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剧作家偷偷溜走了。The dramatist sneaked away.

英国剧作家肖伯纳。Ceorge Bernard shw. British dramatist.

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一名剧作家被要求修改剧本。A dramatist was asked to amend the play.

莎士比亚被公认为著名的剧作家。Shakespears is down as a famous dramatist.

美国剧作家、演员佩恩.John Howard Payne, American dramatist and actor

德国剧作家、诗人歌德.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German dramatist and poet

文学史上的田汉以戏剧家闻名。Tian Han is known as a dramatist in literature history.

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米盖尔。德。塞万提斯是西班牙长篇小说家、戏剧家和诗人。Cervantes was a spanish novelist , a dramatist and a poet.

他是剧作家,对我的探险旅行目瞪口呆。As a dramatist he saw just wide-eyed adventure in my journey.

剧作家非常恐惧,以至于不敢看它。The dramatist dreaded it so much that he dared not to see it.

上年炎天,鼓手戏剧性地变成了业余剧作家。last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically.

品德不好,出生再好也无用。法国剧作家莫里哀。Birth is nothing where virtue is not. --Moliere, French dramatist.

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郭宝昆是新加坡有史以来第一位戏剧大家。Kuo Pao Kun was the first master dramatist in Singapore's history.

剧作家把情节大意写成了一个独幕剧。The dramatist wrote up a story idea in the form of a one-act play.

言以简为贵---威廉。莎士比亚,英国剧作家。Brevity is the soul of wit---William Shakespear, English dramatist.

如果你问任何一个英国人,谁是世界上最伟大的戏剧家。If you ask any Englishman who is the greatest dramatist in the world.

汤显祖首先是一个诗人,然后才是一个思想家、戏剧家。Tang Xianzu was a poet first of all, and then an ideologist and dramatist.

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萧伯纳在诗剧方面被公觉得自莎士比亚后,英国最优秀的诗剧大师。Shaw is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare.

莎士比亚生活在400年前,但是他是有史以来最伟大的戏剧家。Shakespeare lived 400 years ago but he was the best dramatist who ever lived.

田汉是中国现代文学史上的要剧作家和中国现代话剧奠基者。Han Tian was the founder dramatist in Chinese contemporary literature history.