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十九世纪,亚特兰蒂斯的神话变得与姆大陆和利莫里亚合并起来。In the 19th century, the Atlantis myth became conflated with Mu and Lemuria.

考爱岛上许多人认为这里就是勒慕里亚——一个大西洋里失落的岛屿。Many people on Kauai believe that this is Lemuria – a lost island in the Atlantic.

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当利莫里亚和亚特兰蒂斯文明高度发达时,两者之间的冲突加剧了。As the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis matured, conflict developed between the two.

作为报复,利莫里亚在亚特兰蒂斯年度议会召开期间投放了两颗核子弹。Lemuria retaliated by detonating two nuclear bombs over the annual congressional meeting in Atlantis.

利莫里亚的文明终结由地层的严重不稳定导致,那起源于核子战争的干扰。The demise of Lemuria had resulted from serious destabilization of the ground, due to nuclear interfering and warfare.

在过去,当周期结束的时候,我们就一直扮演着关键的角色,我们都有参与在利莫里亚和亚特兰提斯的那段时间。When cycles have ended in the past we have played a key role, and we participated at that time in both Lemuria and Atlantis.

从90万年前的利莫里亚时代开始,你们已经经历了34个大循环,并且即将稳步完成第35个大循环。Since the beginning of Lemuria over 900,000 years ago, you have completed 34 such cycles and are poised to complete the 35th.

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利姆利亚和亚特兰蒂斯都消失得几乎无影无踪,每次都允许一个新的文明从残骸上出现。Both Lemuria and Atlantis disappeared almost without trace, in each case allowing a new civilisation to emerge from the remains.

利莫里亚灭亡之前,他们是那些离开自己的土地,并继续通过移动到地球内部的演变。Before the demise of Lemuria they were the ones that left their land, and continued their evolution by moving to the Inner Earth.

当你浏览Telos,你会发明他们维护了在亚特兰蒂斯和利莫里亚时期曾经存在于地球的剑齿虎。When you read of Telos, you will find that they have preserved the saber tooth tiger, which walked the Earth during the times of Atlantis and Lemuria.

生活在利莫里亚时代的夏威夷人拥有水晶生物体,并按Mila今天所衡量的提升DNA股数而言处于6000-9000股DNA的程度。Hawaiians living in the times of Lemuria held crystalline biology and existed between 6000 and 9000 strands as Mila measures ascending DNA in present time.

我有一整个星期都是像这样出没于那些感觉美妙的独立书店,如,孟菲斯的伯克书店、剑桥的广场书店、杰克逊的勒姆丽亚书店、罗利的鹌鹑岭书店。I have a week of such visits to wonderful independent bookshops like Burke's in Memphis, Square Books in Oxford, Lemuria in Jackson, Quail Ridge in Raleigh.

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现在你进入这雷姆尼亚金字塔,将力量与创造这矩阵那些存在体结合在一起。然后你便知晓天体进化更高层次的创造力量。Go thee now to this Pyramid of Lemuria. Join forces with those who create this matrix. Understand the nature of higher creation in this sea of celestial evolution.

“但是利莫里亚被毁灭于至少80万年以前,”我小心翼翼的说道,“还有利莫里亚人有超过九米的身高,你是怎么想起这些东西的?"But Lemuria was destroyed at least 800,000 years ago, " I said carefully, "and the Lemurians were more than nine meters tall – and yet somehow you remember all of this?

第一个,这不寻常的知识是一个不应该是7岁大的孩子知道的,甚至所有的历史专家也不能明晰地谈论利莫里亚和利莫里亚人种的传说集。First, the unusual knowledge that a seven year old should not have had – not even every history professor could clearly talk about the legendary Lemuria and the Lemurians.

这是由于自利莫里亚时代后存留在大地上的能量运动而带来的。Hawaii and Australia are two regions that still host pockets of greater harmony and this is due to the energetic movements upon the land remaining from the times of Lemuria.

利莫里亚拥有更灵性进化的领导层,并看到这一新技术的发展未来将不再让地球“回家”或提升。Lemuria had leadership that was more spiritually evolved, and saw that the development of this new technology would never allow earth to return "home" or ascend in future times.

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地球的自然界,群山和海岸是完全不同的,但是土壤中有大量的元素是利莫里亚的而且这能量被治愈者知道以及被住在这里的人知道。The physical Earth, mountains and seashores are totally different but there is much of the elements that were in Lemuria in the soil and this energy is known by healers and by people who live here.