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吞吃粽叶包饭的他们吓得要死。They who gobble their rice off a leaf

当他看着我们大快朵颐时都冒汗了。He sweated as he watched us gobble down the food.

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还是一只喜欢吃包子的、令人愉快的熊猫?Or a delightful panda that likes to gobble dumplings?

政府似乎大笔大笔地乱花纳税人的税款。The government seems to gobble up the taxpayers' money.

吃东西时切忌狼吞虎咽,这可能会让你发胖。Don't gobble down your food. It'll make you fat if you do.

别狼吞虎咽地吃火鸡,你最后会噎着的。Don't gobble the turkey. You'll just end up getting stuffed.

哪里有铜矿,中国就会跑去哪里,实际上中国正在囤积铜。Anycu anywhere it will gobble it in fact China is hoarding cu.

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有些学生一接触信息就囫囵吞枣地马上吸收。Some students gobble up information as fast as they receive it.

由此产生的泡沫将猎物围起来,于是座头鲸便狼吞虎咽吃掉猎物。The resulting bubbles pen in prey fish, which the whales gobble up.

我们当中有多少人,在吃饭的时候,听到母亲的唠叨,不要狼吞虎咽?How many of us have heard our mothers tell us not to gobble our food?

“不管什么事,你都可以囫囵吞枣,”他说,“或者你可以试着理解它。”“You can gobble up the thing,” he said, “or you can try to understand it.”

勇敢面对现实选择逃避就等于选择了被吞噬!Stand up to the realistic choice elusion was equal to choose to is gobble up!

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只要他能保证每天给凯力进贡一个动物,他的孩子就安全了。They would be safe, but only if he could find other animals for Kali to gobble up.

他立刻进门去吃了一个澡,然后狼吞虎咽似的吃起了饭来。He immediately had a shower door to eat, and then gobble eat something like a meal.

我不保护你,那些土匪们就会把你当成一盘黑眼豌豆一样吃光。I don't protect you, them rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black-eyed peas.

如果你认为会是这种情况,那就随大流买进长期美国国债。If you believe we will, you should follow the crowd and gobble up U.S. long-term bonds.

我有四个孩子,所以他们都会狼吞虎咽吃光,即使我被给予了第一选择。I have four children, so they will gobble all it up, even if I'm given the first choice.

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对于大多数我们来说抵制达尔文主义者,把食物狼吞虎咽的吃光光是很难的,甚至是不可能的。It is difficult—impossible for many of us—to resist the Darwinian imperative to gobble all up.

蛊虫的吞噬下,事实真相的面纱滴着鲜血。Of bug of a legendary venomous insect gobble up below, the veil of nitty-gritty is dripping blood.

世界黄金协会表示,这些担忧导致投资者在二季度大量买进黄金。These concerns led investors to gobble up gold in the second quarter, the World Gold Council said.