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这是一种冒险的拨款。This is an exploration grant.

需要进一步探究的方法.B. Areas for further exploration.

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科学就是探求真理。Science means the exploration of truth.

罪犯收缩膜包装的探索。Convict ShrinkWrap packaging exploration.

闯荡过多少险探激流。How many spells risk exploration torrent.

淡水鱼类调查。Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters.

探矿权评估方法优选。Optimization of exploration right valuation.

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我喜欢把它叫做非评价性勘探。I like to call it non-evaluative exploration.

②落实探究性学习的探索。Carries out the zetetic study the exploration.

最后对勘探远景作出评价。Exploration prospectives is evaluated at last.

一个和原型同样大小的火星探测车漫游者号的复制品。A full-size replica of a Mars Exploration Rover.

这些洞穴具有较大的开发潜力。These caves have large exploration potentiality.

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克罗诺独自醒来,开始了新的冒险。Crono wakes up alone, and begins his exploration.

石油钻采中作降水剂,驱油剂。Do drop oil exploration. is agent, driving agent.

中国的太空开发是军事战略?Is China's space exploration a military strategy?

一个大规模的石油勘探计划正在近海展开。A big program of oil exploration has begun offshore.

不列颠有着令人骄傲的南极探险史。Britain has a proud history of Antarctic exploration.

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这种探索的方向是一个未决的问题。Where that exploration will lead is an open question.

在19,奥托停止他的迷幻剂的探索。At nineteen, Otto discontinued his exploration of LSD.

没有指导的探索可以激发创新Unguided exploration can stimulate creative awareness.