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突然,一片绿洲呈现在我们面前。Suddenly, an oasis started up before us.

“诱惑号”和“绿洲号”很多方面是相同的。Allure and Oasis are identical in many ways.

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绿洲生机勃勃,然而万籁俱寂。The oasis was alive, yet everything was still.

欧洲风格的大花园是一个郁郁葱葱的绿洲。The large European style garden is a lush oasis.

是繁华都市中休闲与商业的绿洲。An oasis of rest and business in a bustling city.

让你的个人空间成为宁静和品位的绿洲。Make your personal space an oasis of calm and taste.

有了干洌的清泉,才有沙漠茵茵的绿洲。Had chilly spring, only then had oasis on the desert.

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我坚信,沙漠尽头必是绿洲。I believed that, terminus the desert must be the oasis.

它在他眼前晃动,好像海市蜃楼里的绿洲。It hovered before his eyes like the mirage of an oasis.

生命的唯一绿洲在埃塞俄比亚高原。The only oasis of life was in the highlands of Ethiopia.

孤独时,家是黑夜里的北斗,是沙漠中的绿洲。Lonely, home is dark, the big dipper oasis in the desert.

绿洲农田土壤风蚀及其控制机理。Wind erosion and its control mechanism of oasis farmland.

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大难临头!你拼命找寻的绿洲已经干涸!Disaster! The Oasis that you were looking for is dried up!

扶起一片绿洲彭杰贫穷是可怕的。Uprear outstanding poverty of an oasis Peng is dreariness.

在沿途,我们从绿洲取点水,这样我们就死不了。Along the way, we’ll drink from an oasis and we’ll survive.

绝大部分居住在首府乌姆盖万和法拉吉绿洲。Most live in capital WuMGaiWan and ferrari auspicious oasis.

他们所说的绿洲很可能只是一种幻景。The oasis they point to may be just an illusion or a mirage.

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毕竟是片没有孔孟之道的绿洲。After all, is not the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius oasis.

翡翠绿洲又卖“半价”?下月拭目以待!Feitsui oasis also sell "half-price"? Next month wait and see!

在我住的地方的附近,有诺尔•加拉格尔,他以前在绿洲乐队。Near where I live is Noel Gallagher, who was in the band Oasis.