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山洪冲毁了这个村落。The torrential flood annihilated the village.

古巴的骤雨降雨量达到了30英寸。Cuba could get torrential rainfalls of up to 30 inches.

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暴雨过后弗罗姆河决堤了。The River Frome had burst its banks after torrential rain.

周六晚上,暴雨袭击了首都路易港。Torrential rain hit the capital Port Louis on Saturday night.

印尼目前正值雨季,许多地区暴雨成灾。Indonesia is the rainy season, torrential rains in many areas.

很快,在田野中骑行时遭遇了倾盆大雨,我们又冷又湿,找到一家小旅馆避雨。Soon, we were cycling through open farm country in torrential rain.

所有稻田的农作物因倾盆大雨而腐烂。The crops of entire rice fields have been rotted by torrential rain.

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刚才还是晴空万里,现在电闪雷鸣,倾盆大雨一下子下了起来。Just or clear, now thunder and lightning, torrential rain up at once.

BBC驻甘肃记者克利斯侯称预计将有为期三天的降雨期。The BBC's Chris Hogg in Gansu says three days of torrential rain are due.

泰国巴蜀县,连日豪雨淹水成灾。Days of torrential rain in Prachuap County, Thailand, caused severe flooding.

研究成果可以实现对淮河流域致洪暴雨的预警服务。It can give a warning of flood-causing torrential rain in the Huaihe R. basin.

车窗外电闪雷鸣,乌云密布,天色渐暗,下起了倾盆大雨。Lightning flashed, thunder roared, the sky went dark in the torrential downpour.

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暴雨和洪水已经影响了整个国家四分之三的区域。Torrential rain and flooding have affected more than three-quarters of the country.

暴雨大到雨胎都不足以保证赛车有足够的抓地力。The deluge was so torrential that even the wet tyres could not provide sufficient grip.

连续三天,艾琳飓风在美国东海岸上以飓风暴雨的形式,让人们领教了她的威力。For three days, Irene pummeled the U.S. East Coast with high winds and torrential rains.

这场纽约狂风伴随着暴雨,把住纽约市的住宅区破坏得一塌糊涂。Winds accompanied by torrential rains caused havoc for residents of the New York region.

忽然大雨倾盆,湿透衣甲。The southeast wind had not let up. Suddenly torrential rains came down, soaking everyone.

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秘鲁海岸被暴雨淹没,而澳大利亚东南部却在干旱中萎靡。Torrential rains flood the coast of Peru, while south-eastern Australia wilts in drought.

暴雨袭击岳阳周四晚,导致关山村山体滑坡。Torrential rains hit Yueyang Thursday night, causing landslides in the village of Guanshan.

连日来的滂沱大雨以及年久失修是造成这个土筑大坝决堤的原因。Days of torrential rains and a lack of maintenance were blamed for the earthen dam breaking.