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生命是一个礼物。Life is a gift.

花是大自然最美妙的礼物。gift of nature.

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这是我的礼物。This is my gift.

今。天就是一份礼物。T. oday is a gift.

这搭有个礼物送给你。Here's gift for you.

作为见面礼的熊?As a gift of greeting?

请问,礼品店在哪?Where's the gift shop?

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是您给人类的赠礼。Your gift to humanity.

一件给皇后的礼物?A gift for the tsarina?

上主的赠礼,是我的!Gift of God, It's mine!

这是天降的礼物。So it was a great gift.

谢谢你馈赠礼品。Thank you for the gift.

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他的女儿是一份礼物。His daughter was a gift.

我真的很喜欢这个礼物。I really like this gift.

有人可能会说,韩寒天赋异禀。Some might say, Han gift.

可以帮我包成礼物吗?Can you wrap it as a gift?

这是送给你的生日礼品。Here's your birthday gift.

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我们有一个小的礼物。So we have a parting gift.

你给了我幽冥赋礼。You gave me the dark gift.

我表哥的结婚礼物!Gift 4 My Cuzin, s Wedding!