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喷气式飞机是航空事业上的一个新成就。Jets are a new development in aviation.

佛施特的兴趣焦点放在航海。Fossett focused on sailing and aviation.

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莱特兄弟是航空学先驱。Wright brothers were pioneers in aviation.

航空设施极其薄弱简陋。Aviation was lamentably weak and primitive.

他的一生都奉献给了中国的航空事业。He devoted all his life to China's aviation.

他的一生都奉献给了中国的航空事业。At that time aviation was still in its infancy.

莱特兄弟是航空学先驱。They were pilots in the early days of aviation.

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巨型机库门适用航空部队,民航等行业的飞机机库。For hanger door of air army, civil aviation etc.

极北地区主要的交通工具是飞机。Aviation is the major transport in the Far North.

大型飞行器的驾驶员是航空学方面的专家。Pilots of large aircraft are masters of aviation.

航空毋舰编队为什么这么庞人昵?Aviation don't ship formation why such Pang Renni?

航空官员对意见没效。Aviation officials were not available for comment.

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但我还是喜欢在航空业工作。But I still want to work in the aviation industry.

这是航空史上的首次人力飞行。This is the first human flight in aviation history.

但有很多航空类的研究。but they have some aviation research going on there.

民航降低噪音与经济现实。Civil aviation noise-reduction with economic reality.

美国航空博物馆,航空博物馆,飞机博物馆名单。US aviation muses, muses avion, avion listedes muses.

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航空学是一门挑战人的勇气的学科。Aviation is a subject that challenges one's encourage.

中国民用航空工业向何处去?Does whereto of industry of Chinese civil aviation go?

通用航空类公司将可能求购直升飞机!China apply universally aviation company will buy Helis!