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存在一夫多妻制。There was polygyny.

在扭角羚群体内主要是以“一夫多妻制”的形式存在。The pattern of copulation behavior mainly exists in the form of polygyny.

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在一夫一妻制的社会里,男性会想象他们在一夫多妻制度下会有更么的好。Men in monogamous societies imagine they would be better off under polygyny.

伊斯兰和其它主要宗教不同的是它容忍一夫多妻制度。What distinguishes Islam from other major religions is that it tolerates polygyny.

伊斯兰教与世界其他主要的宗教的区别在于,他们容许一夫多妻。What distinguishes Islam from other major religions is that it tolerates polygyny.

因此,一夫多妻子增加了男性身上的竞争压力,尤其是地位低、年纪轻的男性。So polygyny increases competitive pressure on men, especially young men of low status.

如果存在上述情形,通常都会加剧一夫多妻的程度。Then you're going to have a situation that would normally promote high levels of polygyny.

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这些受过良好教育,举止得体的女性有可能参与中国的一夫多妻制吗?Is it possible, since educated, decent looking women are involved that some Chinese could take up polygyny?

现代观点坚持一夫多妻制贬低女性地位的观念,认为它把她们作为财产和奴隶。The modern viewpoint adheres to the notion that polygyny degrades women, treating them as property and slaves.

今天被人们所恪守和推崇的个体婚家庭,只有几千年,至多上万年的历史。Monogyny and polygyny which people scrupulously abide by nowadays have a history of only several thousand years.

可能出于许多原因,一夫多妻制比一妻多夫制普遍得多,上述原因会是许多较大的理由当中的一个较小理由吗?Might that be one small reason among many larger ones explaining why polygyny has been much more common than polyandry?

在各种灵长类和非灵长类的生物中,某个物种一夫多妻的程度跟它们雄性的体格比雌性大的程度密切相关。Among primate and nonprimate species, the degree of polygyny highly correlates with the degree to which males of a species are larger than females.

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正是由于对一夫多妻制度以及天堂上的妻妾成群做出的保证才让许多年轻的穆斯林人去实施自杀炸弹袭击。It is the combination of polygyny and the promise of a large harem of virgins in heaven that motivates many young Muslim men to commit suicide bombings.

一夫多妻或一妻多夫现象的产生是历史、经济和文化多种条件作用的结果,不能用先进-愚昧、我族-他族的两分法做简单化分析。The emergency of polygyny or polygamy is the result of historical, economic and cultural conditions. It should not be analyzed with the dichotomy of advance-blindness, us-other.