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我塑造一个新的胖胖的犹太人形象。I created a new look for rotund Jews.

其中,大约有150只圆圆胖胖的恒河猴。About 150 of them are the rotund rhesuses.

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“这位粉脸圆胖的成功人士”。This pink-faced rotund specimen of prosperity"."

乳黄色皮毛的埃贝是个身材矮胖的人形生物。The cream-furred Ebe is a rotund humanoid of small stature.

巴特勒太太心安理得地坐在桌子的末端。Mrs. Butler was sitting in rotund complacency at the foot of the table.

八卦鼎是现代汝窑珍品,其腹圆鼓,象征着中华民族文化的博大精深。Its belly like a big rotund drum stands for our deep and sophisticates national culture.

在16周的时间里,不限制其饮食,不参与任何活动,懒洋洋地养在笼子里,个个腰肥体圆。After 16 weeks of eating as much as they wanted and lolling around in their cages, all were rotund.

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有点可惜的是微微发福但仍然具有惊人天赋的罗纳尔迪尼奥没有被召入国家队。Unfortunately the slightly rotund but prodigiously-talented Ronaldinho has been left out of the squad.

“吃肉对人身体有好处,”这位心宽体胖的45岁老板道,他饭店菜单上一半的菜肴都和猪肉有关。"Eating pork is good for people, " said the rotund 45-year-old, who uses pork for half the items on his menu.

这两者之间的联系在一般的想象中就如同一个矮胖的物体同圆胖的荷兰人间的关系。The connection would be between a squat object and the short, rotund figure of the Dutchman in the popular imagination.

不过作为影片联合制片人的斯宾塞·屈塞利用手中的职权获得了这个角色,对于渔夫这个角色,由矮胖红润的斯宾塞出演实在是个荒谬的决定。But the ruddy , rotund and absurdly miscast Spencer Tracy , who had bought the rights and was co-producer , got the part.

画中胖胖的制药公司主管人员打开了通向科研处的大门,让我们看到了一些繁忙的公司“科研人员”。The rotund drug company executive opens the door to the Research Department to show us some busy corporate "researchers".

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事实上,我们几乎没有看到任何传统拉贡达线索,除了大格栅,厚C柱,并腴躯干盖子。In fact, we're barely seeing any traditional Lagonda cues, apart from the large grille, thick C-pillar, and rotund trunk lid.

校长名叫罗纳德.布罗克斯,是一个又高又胖的男人,天性快乐并富有同情心。The Headmaster’s name was Mr.Ronald Broackes. He was a large rotund man with a very jovial nature and a compassionate disposition.

校长的叫罗纳德布鲁克斯,他又高又胖,天性乐观并富有同情心。The Headmaster's name was Mr. Ronald Broackes. He was a large rotund man with a very jovial nature and a compassionate disposition.

路”往回走。在王官所在地入口处的几盏灯底下,他碰上一位身材矮小,体形滚圆的绅士。On his way back along the Broom Road, under the lamps that marked the entrance to the palace grounds, Grief encountered a short, rotund gentleman.

尽管全身都被肥肉包裹着,我们这位来自美国亚利桑那州的“胖美女”埃曼还是坚持说,她很健康,没有什么不适,而且圆圆的身材让她感觉自己很性感。Despite the huge rolls of fat enveloping her body, Miss Eman, from Arizona, US, insists that she feels healthy and more attractive in her rotund state.

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他还没有完全睡醒,脚下滑了一跤,他的身躯像圆球般,所以,他真地是“滚动”了10或15英尺,现身在起居室里。He wasn’t fully awake, slipped, and was rotund enough to literally roll over a couple of times until he was ten or fifteen feet out into the living room.

很明显是校长自己开的门,他长的又矮又胖,留着一把沙子色的胡子,前额有些雀斑,头发稀少。It was clearly the headmaster himself that opened the door. He was short rotund. He had a sandy-colored moustache, a freckled forehead and hardly any hair.