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那是他的缺点。That's his shortcoming.

粗鲁无礼是一个严重的缺点。Rudeness is a serious shortcoming.

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他太傲慢了,看不到自己的缺点。He is too proud to see his own shortcoming.

那是他应该克服的缺点。That was the shortcoming he ought to overcome.

唯一的缺憾或许来自菲戈的因伤缺阵。Perhaps the only shortcoming from Luis Figo 's injury.

不守时间是他的最大缺点。E. G. 1 Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming.

有没有人考虑更多的职能的缺点?Can anyone think of any more shortcoming of functionalism?

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本文的动意,即在于弥补这种不足。The purpose of this paper is to compensate the shortcoming.

众所周知,罗嗦是写文章的大忌。As we know prolixity is a big shortcoming to write articles.

不过有一些聪明的汤锅已经克服了这些毛病。Nevertheless a few clever stockpots had overcome these shortcoming.

争辩或拒绝承认自己的错误或缺点。Defensiveness. You argue and refuse to admit any flaw or shortcoming.

最后对各种炉窑的优缺点进行了总结。In the end, the merit and shortcoming of all the kilns are summarized.

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但是,上彀是有利也有弊。But, accessing the internet is advantageous , but also has shortcoming.

对方也是脆弱的有缺失的人,又怎幺能够去奢求他的保护及成全。The other one is also a frail and shortcoming man, need his protect and help?

请母亲原谅我。我错了,今后坚决改掉毛病,努力读书学习!Please forgive my misdoing. It's my fault. I'll give up the shortcoming and study hard!

尽管这条研究线索颇具洞察力,却仍有一个明显的缺陷。Although this line of research yielded some major insights, it had an obvious shortcoming.

标准也是有缺点的,并内含形式逻辑派的“偏见”。The "RZH"standard also has shortcoming , and contains prejudice of the formal logic school.

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该方法的缺点是各用户信号必须有一定的相差,同时用户数不能太多。The shortcoming of spectral detection is its complexity and in need of long time to compute.

对于句型例?最后,但并非最不重要,教育上的缺失是助长青少年犯罪的原因。Last but no least, the shortcoming in educ is the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency.

综述了现有室外温度逐时化的方法与其缺点。Methods of serializing the non-hourly outdoor temperature and their shortcoming are reviewed.