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我知道莱西夫人以前开导过你很多关于这方面的事。I know you’ve done a lot of work on this with Mrs. Lacey.

这真是难以令人接受,尤其是在莱西夫人给了我那么多指导之后。Which was a hard pill to swallow, after my work with Mrs. Lacey.

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年仅27岁的莱西被归类于“失踪、据信已死亡名单”。Only 27-year-old Lacey is classified in the "missing, presumed dead list."

那个女孩推开了大门,并示意让雷茜第一个出去。Thee blonde girl pushed open the door and indicated that Lacey should exit first.

雷茜·德尔加罗走过黢黑而又漫长的大厅来到了浴室的更衣室。Lacey Delgado walked down the long dark hall leading to the locker 1 room bathrooms.

第二天,我们去了在萨瑞的另两处景点,克兰顿公园和波勒思顿列斯。The next day, we went to another two places in Surrey, Clandon Park and Polesden Lacey.

在WTO以及自由贸易体系之下的讨论尽管是最切合实际的,但总有隔靴搔痒的感觉。It is most practical discussing"Lacey Act"under WTO and free trade system, but this cannot reach the most extent.

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问题是,追溯到出厂日期的起落架基本上不可行,因此,其价格就已经翻番甚至高不可攀。"The problem is, 'back-to-birth' gears are seldom available, " Lacey explained, "so their price can be double or treble.

瓦立阿说他是制造障碍,这件事和撒修无关,不能强迫撒修接受莱西。O warwickshire, says he is manufacturing disorder, and the matter and has nothing to do, and should not be forced to fix accept lacey.

娜诺向莱西道歉,莱西觉得很无奈,自己的婚姻大事没有做主权利,但从来也没人问她愿不愿意嫁给对方。She apologized to lacey, lacey feel very helpless, no own marital family rights, but has never asked her if she willing to marry each other.

洗礼宴上大家都以为莱西怀孕了,莱西不知道怎样说,抱着娜诺哭,瓦立阿让蓝维尔带莱西上楼。Baptism feast everyone thought lacey is pregnant, lacey dont know how to say, holding her crying, warwickshire, o let blue, with lacey upstairs.

约瑟夫·莱西正在照料他那已经无法站立的朋友托比·格林,在我身旁就是杰德·帕里,在我们后面一段距离的是詹姆斯·盖德。Joseph Lacey was attending to his friend Toby Greene who could not stand. Right next to me was Jed Parry. Some way off behind us was James Gadd.

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他们的私生活也保密得恰到好处,这让他们赢得了影迷们的尊重。With private lives that are kept precisely that, they have earned, and maintained, the respect of their fans," said Forbes staff writer Lacey Rose.

“我也有两三个想法,”埃德蒙说,“一个想法是,你关于桑顿莱西的计划是不会付诸实施的。"And I have two or three ideas also, " said Edmund, "and one of them is, that very little of your plan for Thornton Lacey will ever be put in practice.

细小的莱西提早十四个星期出世,体重仅十四安士,医生认为只有六吋三文治袋的尺码适合让她保持温暖。They reckoned the 6 inch plastic container was just the right size to keep tiny Lexi Lacey warm after she was born 14 weeks early, weighing just 14 ounces.

他把她安置在桑顿莱西,无微不至地关怀她的安适,几乎每天都来看望她,或者来把她接走。After settling her at Thornton Lacey with every kind attention to her comfort, the object of almost every day was to see her there, or to get her away from it.

据悉,莱西市练歌房、酒吧等娱乐场所和大型洗浴中心等近50余人参加了培训。It is reported that the city of Lacey karaoke rooms, bars and places of entertainment such as a large bath and so on nearly 50 people took part in the training.

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来西还开始评估有关现金流和盈利水平的月度报告,这能让她更加容易地做出聘用决定或者将更多资金用于营销预算。Ms. Lacey also began reviewing monthly reports about cash flow and profitability that's making it easier for her to make hiring decisions or put more into the marketing budget.