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我喜欢吃湘菜。I love Hunan food.

一九一六年入湘军。In 1916 into the Hunan Army.

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我只知道她是湖南人。I only know she is from Hunan.

自华为中国实业。Hunan Huawei China Industry Co.

这些菜都是湖南口味。Hunan is to the south of HeBei.

湖南省常德市人。Chang DE city of hunan province.

基本资料湖南是鱼米之乡。Hunan is a land of fish and rice.

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我的朋友王敏是湖南人。My friend Wang Min is from Hunan.

位于中国湖南东北部。Hunan Province in northeast China.

我从湖南大学毕业。I graduated from Hunan University.

衡山位于湖南省。Mount Heng lies in Hunan Province.

湖南省湘潭县人。Xiangtan County in Hunan Province.

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自华为中国实业。有限公司。Hunan Huawei China Industry Co. , Ltd.

我将毕业于湖南大学。I will graduate from Hunan University.

从他的口音来判断,他是湖南人。Judging by his accent, he is from Hunan.

湖南是一个人杰地灵,景色秀美的地方。Hunan is a place of greatness and beauty.

我现在位于湖南省乌江村。I'm at Wujiang village in Hunan province.

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湖南作家网一次成功的聚会没有我。Hunan writer net successful meeting not I.

沅江市位于湖南省北部,濒临洞庭湖滨。Yuanjiang city lies in the north of Hunan.

我来自湖南岳阳市,今年19岁。I come from Hunan Yueyang City, 19-year-old.