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贝泽尔较偏向于称其为结构化测试和行为测试。Beizer prefers the terms structural and behavioural testing.

林伍德表示,暴食的治疗方法包括认知行为治疗。Ringwood said treatment includes cognitive behavioural therapy.

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许多病人有低度的MR、行动失调和性腺发育不全。Most patients have some degree of MR, behavioural disorders and hypogonadism.

这是一个复杂的过程,要求感知、心理及行为各方面都能胜任。it's a complex process that requires sensory, mental, and behavioural competence.

在荀子那里,礼主要作为行为规范和政治制度。In Hsun-Tzu eyes, Li is regarded as the behavioural norm and political system mainly.

但是,新的研究结果着重强调了海马体与行为控制的链接。But our new findings highlight the important hippocampal links to behavioural control.

世博会有17万名志愿者,其中一些志愿者组成了纠正不良行为的小组。Some of the 170,000 Expo volunteers have been formed into behavioural adjustment squads.

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果蝇的雄性求偶行为已经被作为行为遗传学研究的模式。The male courtship behavior of fruit fly was as model to study the behavioural genetics.

这说明即使短期的行为改变也可能对你的健康造成深远的影响。It suggests that even short-term behavioural changes may have prolonged effects on health.

它是继古典科学管理、行为科学后又一次新的管理革命。It is a new management revolution after classical science management and behavioural science.

这种减肥方法常被称做行为疗法,因为它是通过改变人们的行为来减肥。This is often called behavioural therapy, because it works through changing people's behaviour.

盖瑞特推测由于隐私问题,“行为广告会带来麻烦”。Gerrit Eicker predicted that "behavioural advertising will get into trouble" due to privacy issues.

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他们没有行为表现的困难,也没有在智力发育上落后。They do not have behavioural difficulties and nor are they behind in their intellectual development.

他说,这应该既包括行为干预也包括研究干预,两者可以相互促进。This should include both behavioural and research interventions that can reinforce each other, he says.

例如,认知行为疗法通常适合有阿拉伯语文化背景的人。For example, cognitive behavioural therapy is usually suitable for people from Arabic-speaking cultures.

备受争议是因为一些解释的片面性,被许多人视作种族歧视。It is controversial because some of the explanations are behavioural and are seen by many as racist slurs.

报告还提到,“即使对社交障碍,动作行为失调和食物相关疾病做出调整后,上述的联系依然显著。”This association remained significant after adjustment for social, behavioural and food-related disorders.

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调查内容包括近期怀孕中社会人口统计、行为及其他因素。The women were asked about socio-demographic, behavioural and other factors in their most recent pregnancy.

长期患者可能要通过认知行为疗法来进行治疗,帮助他们放松和恢复状态。Chronic suffers may be treated through cognitive behavioural therapy involving relaxation and reconditioning.

这些行为模块交织在一起贯穿于动物和人类的整个生命,从出生到结束。Frombeginning to end, the lives of animals and humans are an ongoinginterweaving of these behavioural modules.