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汉生回到家里,脸上仍是一副莫测高深的表情。When Hanson came home he wore the same inscrutable demeanour.

她还目光炯炯地注视了他一下,这也使他不能理解。She gave him, straight in the eyes, a look which was also inscrutable.

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梅尔文甚至能找出让人不易理解的平壤地铁的一些东西。Melvin has even managed to dig up some dirt on the inscrutable Pyongyang Metro.

我的妻子伊莱恩站在楼梯最上边,脸上表情莫测。My wife, Elaine, appears at the top of the stairs, an inscrutable expression on her face.

一旦当他们无需花费时间为没完没了的会议准备高深莫测的幻灯片。As long as they’re not spending hours creating inscrutable slides for interminable meetings.

相比之下,年长的越南人虽然数量同样不少,但却沉默不语,不知在想些什么。The equally large number of elderly Vietnamese men, by contrast, are silent and inscrutable.

对外人来说,日本经济似乎高深莫测的,另类有趣又令人惊讶。To outsiders the Japanese economy seems inscrutable in ways alternately amusing and shocking.

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这是一个有关爱的故事,有关变幻莫测的复杂和超凡脱俗的简单,有关一个永远的承诺,有关蛊惑、虔诚和伟大。This is a story about love. About inscrutable complexity and remarkable simplicity, about the promise of forever.

我们中谁没有在某个接待室里坐过,眼睛盯着那扇含有各种可能的莫测高森的门板?Which one of us has not sat in some anteroom and watched the inscrutable panels of a door that was full of meaning?

我们中谁没有在某个接待室里做过,眼睛盯着那扇含有各种各样可能性的莫测高深的门板?Which one of us has not sat in some anteroom and watched the inscrutable panels of a door that was full of meaning ?

虽然很难写出难以懂得魔兽世界“聪慧”代码,无极限之危情速递同时也使得iphone4些低级操作,如位操作变得难题起来。It's harder to write inscrutable "clever" code, but it makes low-level operations like bit-manipulation more difficult.

虽然很难写出难以理解的“聪明”代码,它同时也使得一些低级操作,如位操作变得困难起来。It's harder to write inscrutable "clever" code, but it makes low-level operations like bit-manipulation more difficult.

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人们流血流汗,劳心劳力,直到双鬓斑白,只求谋生,而忘了玩乐,这样的文明实在让人费解!How inscrutable is the civilization where men toil and work and worry their hair grey to get a living and forget to play!

责备PowerPoint是糟糕的幻灯片就像责备是特推发送了你的淫秽图片给关注者一样。Blaming PowerPoint for an inscrutable slide is like blaming Twitter for DMing pictures of your penis to unsuspecting followers.

考虑到他作为神秘莫测而冷酷无情的赏金猎人标志性形象,很难让人想像波巴·费特会被任何人操控。Given his iconic image as a ruthless and inscrutable bounty hunter, it's hard to imagine Boba Fett being manipulated by anyone.

梅尔文甚至还挖掘出了平壤地铁的一点丑事。Melvin has even managed to dig up some dirt on the inscrutable Pyongyang Metro —that’s the system’s Puhung station in the photo.

否则的话,当他们在某个年龄例如78岁时没有心脏病发作后,他们会很快进入到身体神秘清单中的下一项状态。Otherwise, when they didn’t have a heart attack, say, at 78, they’d have succumbed quickly to the next thing on their body’s inscrutable list.

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画中的英俊的英国都铎王朝的绅士,戴着宽大的花边领子和多少有点神秘色彩的嘴巴,在眺望着这个家庭的人们为他们自己的事情东奔西走。The handsome Tudor gentleman with a bulky lace collar and a somewhat inscrutable mouth gazed out over the family as they went about their business.

不可靠的统计数据以及谜一样的公共政策,再加上千回百转的沟通机制意味着它从来没有完全清楚正在发生的事。unreliable statistics combined with inscrutable public policy and impenetrable transmission mechanisms mean it's never entirely clear what's going on.

多少年后我才意识到,神秘莫测的伊朗历史和母亲那变幻难料的个人命运紧紧的交织在一起,我不知道自己能不能看懂任何一个。These two inscrutable histories — Iran's, hers — were wedded to each other, I realized many years later, and I wondered if I'd ever make sense of either one.