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他们正在为慈善事业发传单。They were giving out the leaflet for the charity.

昨天她在信箱里发现了一张宣传单。Yesterday she found this leaflet in her letter-box.

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我们将把传单印成大小两种样式。We'll produce the leaflet in large and small formats.

学生们到工厂向工人们散发传单。The students went to factories to leaflet the workers.

我从传单广告栏里寻找减价商店。I look for the discount store advertised in the leaflet.

想象一下你在阅读本册子时你的子女不久人世。Imagine one of your children dying as you read this leaflet.

叶轴和小叶叶片背面具短柔毛。Leaf rachises and abaxial surface of leaflet blades pubescent.

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这份传单介绍了如何向银行意见调查官投诉。The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.

详细的使用方向上可以找到在包装单张。Detailed directions for use can be found on the in-pack leaflet.

瘦人斜*在干净的豆科植物上读叶片传单。The lean man leans on the clean bean plant to read a leaf leaflet.

朱蒂把手伸进提包,拿出一张小的印刷传单给我。Judy reached into her handbag and handed me a small printed leaflet.

你最好在决定保什么险之前先看看说明书。It's better for you to view the leaflet before you make any decision.

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全自动灌装,热溶装备,宣传单塞装机,日期打码机。Product auto feeding, Hot Melt Applicator, Leaflet Inserter, Date coder.

当你到达时,你所在的寄宿家庭将给你一张有关“学生住宿”的宣传单。Your Homestay will give you a 'Student Accommodation' leaflet when you arrive.

每购买一个玩具就可得到一本与之相关的传染病的信息手册。Each purchase comes with an information leaflet with details of the relevant infection.

或者传单上会写上投降的伊万诺夫、彼得罗夫、西多罗夫都活得很好。Or there was a leaflet showing how well some surrendered Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov lived.

然后他阅读了所提供的每种药品说明书并计算这些药的副作用,总共有130项。He read the leaflet that came with each and calculated they offered him 130 side effects.

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关于铁路隧道内安全的新UIC规程适用于新建和既有隧道。The new UIC Leaflet on safety in railway tunnels applies both to new and existing tunnels.

也许偶们可以举办一个关于艾滋病德讲座,而且给每个学生发收关于艾滋病常识德小册子。Maybe we can hold a lecture about AIDS and give every student a leaflet of AIDS informatin.

包装成品包括越南语插入单张材料。Packaging material for the finished product including a Vietnamese language insert leaflet.