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想要更轻吗?Want it lighter?

哪个轻一些呢?Which one feels lighter?

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使用钢丝圈较轻。Use of lighter travelers.

油比水轻。Oil is lighter than water.

帆布包更轻,而且容纳空间更大。It's lighter and holds more.

可他点燃了打火机。Then he flicked the lighter.

生命变得更加轻盈。Life becomes so much lighter.

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雌蛾色较淡。The female moth lighter color.

然后,他送了他们每人一个打火机。he gave one of them a lighter.

能否借你的打火机?Could you lend me your lighter?

水是由氧和氢组成。Hydrogen is lighter than oxygen.

我要是日程松一点多好啊!I wish I had a lighter schedule!

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更阳光点的时刻有时候也会浮出水面。Lighter moments surfaced sometimes.

木薯片干燥以后,就会变轻。As the chips dry, they become lighter.

我相要浅两个色度的。I would like to go two shades lighter.

我的打火机是淡黄色的和透明的。My lighter are flaxen and transparent.

我喜欢口味清淡的沙拉。I perfer salads with lighter dressings.

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织物花边也轻于红章。Fabric laces also lighter than red seal.

看似一首歌,或轻甚空气。Lighter than air, a song or so it seems.

比四冲程发动机重量更轻。Lighter weight than four-stroke engines.