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社会议程。Social Agenda.

这是一个很满的议程。It’s a fulsome agenda.

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你们决定课堂内容。You control the agenda.

你通过其他人提供的信息。You make up the agenda.

所以我们的议程内容很丰富。So we have a rich agenda.

你们的议程排得很满。You have a packed agenda.

之后他们就会制定课堂内容。And, they draw up the agenda.

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她是一个有议程表的女人。She was a woman with an agenda.

下面便是我们的六项目议程。This is now our six-item agenda.

中加间将有何议题?What agenda items will there be?

不错,还有对社会的议程。Right, absolutely. Social agenda.

我怀疑新浪有个麦黑计划。I doubt sina has an agenda of a TOH.

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我们的会议不设定任何固定的议题。Our meeting has an open-ended agenda.

但是,伊力丹这个傻瓜太短视了。But Illidan's agenda was short-sighted.

梅德韦杰夫有他自己的计划吗?Does Medvedev have an agenda of his own?

该议程是雄心勃勃的,这也是必须的。The agenda is ambitious, asit has to be.

减税问题将是今天的主要议题。The tax-cut issue will top today's agenda.

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我认为技术有其自己的议事日程。I claim that technology has its own agenda.

这个问题应当提到议事日程上加以研究。This must be put on the agenda and studied.

这样,你们真正能够自主掌握卫生议程。In this way, you truly own the health agenda.