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谁能卑微地背起十字架Who here his cross can meekly bear

“是‘P’,”布朗先生谦恭地回答。‘It’s ‘P’, ’ Mr. Brown replied meekly.

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许多人对自己当时如此逆来顺受感到羞愧。Many were ashamed of having gone so meekly.

当有人提出新政策时,他唯唯诺诺地站在一旁。He stood aside meekly when the new policy was proposed.

我不相信爱尔兰人能唾面自干的接受这个结果。I can't believe how meekly the Irish boys took the loss.

忍了——根据排队心理学这篇文章中的一项研究。Quite meekly according to a study on the psychology of queuing.

斯图亚特就怯怯地问,“这里有烟花吗?”Stuart then meekly inquired, “Do you have any firecrackers here?”

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但你得知道,你无法做到在卑恭屈节的同时又能活出自我。You can't have the freedom to be yourself and meekly fit in at the same time.

“我在哪儿跳舞了?又跟谁鬼混了?”她温顺地嘀咕了一句。"Where am I dancing and with whom am I running around?" she whispered meekly.

他的小队伍是多么欢欣地发出啾啁声,又多么驯服地随着他的竿头越过一个田野又一个山坡!And how meekly they followed his staff, over a field and then a mountain slope!

别用温顺的词语传递你的信息,用权威而让人信服的词语。Don't meekly communicate your message. Say it with powerful words and conviction.

神剑”阿拉伯语温顺地盯着地面,该名男子,他愿意向国家提交一个自杀式炸弹袭击。Staring meekly at the ground, the man states his willingness to commit a suicide attack.

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挨板砖这事,如果干得好,叫忍辱负重。Get plank brick this matter, if stem good, call to meekly tolerate insult negative heavy.

从那时起,轮到的那只鹿温顺地交出自己,把脖子搁到砧板上。From then on, the one whose turn it was, meekly surrendered himself and laid his neck on the block.

说完就把脸扑到他的背心上藏了起来。put the momentous question, and Meg meekly whispered, “Yes, John,” and hid her face on his waistcoat.

这些地方武装不会惟命是听地放弃权力,因此这一原本平静的地区可能会遇到风暴。These local militia won't meekly abandon power, and a region that was peaceful may experience turmoil.

然而,讲空话的人都是强大的IMF股东,因此IMF进行了无力的抗议,但无济于事。Yet the double-talkers are powerful IMF shareholders, so the institution protests meekly and to no avail.

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然而,讲空话的人都是强大的IMF股东,因此IMF进行了无力的抗议,但无济于事。Yet the double-talkers are powerful IMF shareholders, so the institution protests meekly and to no avail.

许多其他的妻子,羔羊般顺从着自己残忍的丈夫所强加的严厉捆绑,实际上却享受着这种紧缚。Many other wives, meekly submissive to the harsh bondage imposed by cruel husbands, actually enjoyed the restraint.

“哎,不问了,先生,我不想去问了,”男人们温和地回复道,然后给我几张钱和甲骨虫音乐专辑作为礼物。"Oh, no, sir, I wouldn't want to do that, " the men would meekly reply, leaving me gifts of cash and Beatles albums.